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5.9, Trad, 45 ft (14 m),  Avg: 2.4 from 127 votes
FA: Allen Hill, 1980?
Colorado > Grand Junction… > Escalante Canyon > Interiors Wall Area
Warning Access Issue: The Cabin Wall and the Island are both closed to climbing DetailsDrop down


This is the crack immediately right of the cave entrance.


The crack starts at #1 Camalot and widens to a #5 by the top. One of each is [adequate] - and extra #3 or #4 helps at the crux.

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Lieback on the left, Right of Lieback on the right.
[Hide Photo] Lieback on the left, Right of Lieback on the right.
Liz doing the lieback.
[Hide Photo] Liz doing the lieback.
Need bigger gear than #4 for the upper section.
[Hide Photo] Need bigger gear than #4 for the upper section.
Steve and Pat.
[Hide Photo] Steve and Pat.
Leading the layback.
[Hide Photo] Leading the layback.
J. Weingast leading Lieback.
[Hide Photo] J. Weingast leading Lieback.

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[Hide Comment] I shoved an arm and a foot in that crack and shimmeyed right up it. It takes all larger gear. A number 2 went in the bottom, and it only gets larger! Jun 4, 2014
[Hide Comment] Lieback? Don't be a wimp, embrace the OW! Jun 1, 2020
D Scott Clark
Chattanooga, TN
[Hide Comment] 1 x #1,#2,#3, #6 (very optional). 2 x #4 & #5.

Try to stay in the offwidth! May 13, 2021