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5.9 R, Trad, TR,  Avg: 1 from 3 votes
FA: J. Stuberg, M. Brooks, 1980
Colorado > Boulder > Eldorado Canyon SP > Rincon > Rincon - Center Route…
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This route is in the popular 5.8 crack area of Rincon Wall. The route is the broken flake and crack system about a little ways right of 5.8 crack, and just right of the climb Outer Limbits and the huge tree at the cliff base.

This climb ascends a dark, broken flake and crack system with awkward moves and small, difficult, pumpy protection. To descend, rap from the anchor above 5.8 crack.

I waffled briefly about the 'bomb' rating. The route has some bad rock; it isn't terrible, it's just not worth it.


There is some pro, but the rock is not great and the gear is pumpy to place. The gear is a few small [pieces] total. (tiny cams)

You can rig a TR from the tree above 5.8 crack with some swing potential -watch out for the huge tree below.

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Ivan Rezucha
Fort Collins, CO
[Hide Comment] On TR this felt like 10. It would be hard to place gear since the middle section has no good stances. Jan 1, 2006