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7 P.M. Show

5.14-, Sport, 40 ft (12 m),  Avg: 4 from 7 votes
FA: Jibe Tribout
Colorado > Rifle > Rifle Mtn Park > Winchester Cave


This is a bouldery and slightly technical route in the middle of the Winchester Cave. It follows a grey-streaked line out a series of small roofs.


This goes out the middle of the Winchester Cave.


9 bolts plus anchors.

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Luna making it look easy.
[Hide Photo] Luna making it look easy.

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skinny legs and all
Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania
[Hide Comment] Very fast second ascent by a 15 year old Chris Sharma during his summer 1998 road trip in which he crushed many 5.14s. Apr 26, 2013
Michael Schneiter
Glenwood Springs, CO
[Hide Comment] This was rebolted with glue-ins and anchors updated during the 2023 Rendezspew with hardware provided by the Rifle Climbers Coalition. Please consider donating to help maintain hardware in the canyon: Sep 25, 2023