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Idiot Savant

5.11c, Sport, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 2.3 from 26 votes
FA: Kurt Smith,1990
Colorado > Golden > Clear Creek Canyon > Right Wire Crag
Warning Access Issue: Seasonal Raptor Closures DetailsDrop down


This is a nice line with a testy and tenuous crux. It is worth the walk up the hill.

Idiot Savant is on the right side of the tunnel. To get there, walk up the low-angle rock slabs that lead up and right. DO NOT walk up the dirt hillside- loose rock abounds that will just roll down and hit cars in the highway.

When you get a good ways up the slabs, you will begin to see some bolted lines. A big boulder splits the cliff in two - there are currently 4 bolted lines right of the boulder. Idiot Savant is to the right of the boulder, and can be easily recognized because it shares its anchor with another line (Indirect Savant, 12c)). Indirect is on the left; Idiot is on the right.


Idiot Savant is on the right side of the tunnel.


5 (now 6) bolts.

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

[Hide Comment] Although this route has always been referred to as .12a, it seems really, really soft for the grade. I have always considered it to be about .11b. In any case, it is somewhat worth doing as a warm up for Twitch.... Oct 7, 2002
Matthew Lloyd
denver, colorado
[Hide Comment] This route is probably mid-5.11, it is also pretty good, a little boulder problem leads to steep fun climbing. Worth the hike. Apr 12, 2012
Mark E Dixon
Possunt, nec posse videntur
[Hide Comment] This has 6 bolts now. Oct 15, 2013
[Hide Comment] I know this isn't a high traffic line, necessarily, but the left anchor bolt needs to be replaced (5/18). The right one is in good shape, though. May 9, 2018