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5.7, Sport, TR, 40 ft (12 m),  Avg: 2 from 42 votes
FA: T. Anderson
Colorado > Gunnison > Hartman Rocks > Beginner's Slab


It follows the crystal seam up the watergroove. In my opinion, it is slightly harder than Devil's Spine. Once again, it is a great beginner lead.


This is the third route from the left of the rock.


Two bolts to anchors.

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A perfect evening at Hartman Rocks.
[Hide Photo] A perfect evening at Hartman Rocks.
Melissa on the route.
[Hide Photo] Melissa on the route.

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[Hide Comment] Perhaps the [easiest] on the slab, more crack moves to jibs [guarding] the anchors. Jul 16, 2003
Matt Toensing
Pagosa Springs
[Hide Comment] Fun free solo. Sep 8, 2009