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South Side Topropes

5.5, TR,  Avg: 2 from 46 votes
FA: unknown
Colorado > Colorado Springs > Garden of the Gods > Kindergarten Rock > S Face
Warning Access Issue: 2023 Seasonal Closure - lifted DetailsDrop down
Warning Access Issue: 2024 Seasonal Closures - these are the same as 2023 DetailsDrop down


There are four toprope routes on the very south end of Kindergarten rock. Each route has two anchors to set up the toprope. The routes all can be rigged by doing a short scramble from the southeast corner of Kindergarten rock which is just to right of the climbs if you are facing the rock(the way to the anchors is the last part of the downclimb from the routes that go to the top of Kindergarten rock like New Era for those familar with the area). Scramble up this ramp and traverse left onto the large level platform facing out over the south side of Kindergarten rock to find the obvious anchors. The climbs range in dificulty from 5.4 to 5.8 depending on the route you take. This is a classic place to take first time climbers and larger groups of people who are not experienced becasue of the range of difficulty, easy approach and the fact that there are multiple anchors. To get to the routes park in the South Garden parking lot and walk north on the main road over the hill to the large grey rock formation you see on the west side of the road. This is Kindergarten rock and the topropes are no more than 30 feet west of the road on the rock's south end.


The four toprope setups all have two anchors.

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Maya girl topropin' on Kindergarten Rock.
[Hide Photo] Maya girl topropin' on Kindergarten Rock.
Kimberly climbing on the 4th anchor from the right.
[Hide Photo] Kimberly climbing on the 4th anchor from the right.
Just finished a climb. Toproping here is great for beginners!
[Hide Photo] Just finished a climb. Toproping here is great for beginners!
Fun... lots of smearing!
[Hide Photo] Fun... lots of smearing!
Bill and Lance on lead training route
[Hide Photo] Bill and Lance on lead training route
Marc climbing, Josh belaying
[Hide Photo] Marc climbing, Josh belaying
Caroline getting close to the top!
[Hide Photo] Caroline getting close to the top!
Great beginner climb.
[Hide Photo] Great beginner climb.
Danni on crest by scramble for South Side Topropes.
[Hide Photo] Danni on crest by scramble for South Side Topropes.
Kimberly climbing on the middle anchor.
[Hide Photo] Kimberly climbing on the middle anchor.

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

[Hide Comment] My partner and I actually counted 5 sets of anchors. (the odd set is located kind of by itself to the east of the rest of the anchors. It belays a route that starts on the approach ramp listed in the route description.) Same diff, though. Sep 25, 2002
[Hide Comment] Sorry if this sounds preachy, but please use a top-rope setup from the anchors. I was out with a first-timer last weekend and noted that the set of eye-bolts i was using was already worn 1/4 of the way through the bolt.

(And realistically 99% of people reading this site are already concientious enough to use a top-rope setup. I just hate seeing people saw through the bolts on popular routes like C-Gap and West Point Crack)

I'll get off the soap-box now. Jun 16, 2003
Lance Bischoff
Great Falls, MT
[Hide Comment] Six sets of anchors as mentioned on front page for "Kindergarten Rock." Also, depending on the line chosen, or slinging a big arete, difficulty can easily exceed 5.8, up to 5.10 on some steep face moves in red streaked (smooth and near vertical) areas.Also agree with disappointment about people belaying and lowering directly through the bolts and would encourage us to politely speak up about this to preserve wear on the bolts. The route far left on photo is a great lead training route and has placement opportunities in the dihedral, plus two hangers up top to anchor into. Sep 14, 2003
Cody E
Colorado Springs, CO
[Hide Comment] Easy warm-up routes if you're playing on Kindergarten. Feb 6, 2015
Spence Webb
Colorado Springs, CO
[Hide Comment] Great place to take beginners! Easy to get to, right off the road, and works great for toprope! Mar 22, 2020
Wally Toomer
Roscoe, NY
[Hide Comment] Had so much fun on these routes until the storms rolled in on us. Very fun spot. Jul 4, 2023
[Hide Comment] Super great easy climb. It's a great area to start out on or just to have fun! Jul 4, 2023