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5.14a, Sport,  Avg: 3.9 from 11 votes
FA: Chris Sharma, equipped by Colin Lantz
Colorado > Rifle > Rifle Mtn Park > Wicked Cave


Zulu is one route left of Slice of Life, on the right side of the Wicked Cave. It climbs up vertical grey rock and quickly gives way to a very overhanging swell, which is followed to the lip of the cave. It can also be recognized by a long jump to a deep hole around the 5th or 6th bolt.

While all the hardest climbing hits you on the bottom third of the route, it is unrelenting all the way to the anchors, with an undercling crux at 2/3 height and a crimpy finishing crux providing plenty of opportunity for airtime.

This is a classic endurance testpiece (90+ feet) a la Rifle; thankfully it only seems to offer a kneescum or two, keeping the climbing athletic and aesthetic from bottom to top.


15 quickdraws.

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Ian Dory on Zulu.
[Hide Photo] Ian Dory on Zulu.
Ed Strang crushing the first crux section on Zulu (5.14-).
[Hide Photo] Ed Strang crushing the first crux section on Zulu (5.14-).
Corey Flynn smiling after making it through the first crux of "Zulu"
[Hide Photo] Corey Flynn smiling after making it through the first crux of "Zulu"

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skinny legs and all
Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania
[Hide Comment] The first female ascent of Zulu was by Emily Harrington in 2005. Paige Claassen sent in June 2009 as well. Jan 10, 2014
Michael Schneiter
Glenwood Springs, CO
[Hide Comment] Zulu was rebolted this May with new stainless glue-in bolts. The Rifle Climbers Coalition is working hard to maintain hardware in the canyon, so donations are much appreciated and go a long way in helping keep bolts, carabiners, hooks, and perma draws in good shape.

Please consider donating: Jul 7, 2022