Per Bret Tennis, GOG Park Operations administrator: the seasonal closures are the same as in 2023 for 2024.
Previously per B. Tennis: all seasonal rock climbing closures in Garden of the Gods have been lifted for the season.
In 2023, they were the same as for 2022 and 2021.
Kindergarten/Gray Rock
North Gateway
Old info: Previously: per Bret Tennis, as of 10/19/22: The Garden of the Gods has lifted all the seasonal rock climbing closures. Prior in 2020: seasonal raptor closures for 2020 were now lifted. Seasonal climbing closure as of 9 April 2020:
The Northeast face of Gray Rock (aka Kindergarten Rock) also know as Big Sky is closed to rock climbing due to nesting raptors.
The northern tip (Anaconda) of North Gateway Rock is closed to rock climbing.
Continued from last year closures on Sleeping Giant and Gray Rock:
Sleeping Giant (Keyhole Rock) is closed to rock climbing.
The box canyon between Sleeping Giant and Gray Rock is closed to all activity.
The West side of Gray Rock (aka Kindergarten Rock) is closed to rock climbing except for the last 15 feet to the south. Family Values is still open, but anything North is closed to rock climbing. The South face is still open except for the seasonal closure of the Northeast face.
Closures as of June 5, 2019: The Northern end of North Gateway Rock is closed for raptor nesting.
The Northeast face of Gray Rock (aka Kindergarten Rock) also know as Big Sky is closed to rock climbing due to nesting raptors.
Continued climbing closures from 2018: The northern tip (Anaconda) of North Gateway Rock is closed to rock climbing.
Sleeping Giant (Keyhole Rock) is closed to rock climbing.
The box canyon between Sleeping Giant and Gray Rock is closed to all activity.
The West side of Gray Rock (aka Kindergarten Rock) is closed to rock climbing except for the last 15 feet to the south. Family Values is still open, but anything North is closed to rock climbing. The South face is still open.
The crux move is in the middle of a fantastic sequence, when the main headwall begins to loom menacingly over the intrepid climber. You're gonna explore the limits of Stealth rubber on this one! Jun 5, 2002
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Lincoln, Nebraska
Loveland, CO
Kearney, NE
Innsbruck, AT
Salt Lake City, UT
Co Springs, CO
Aberdeen, MD
What I realized after drilling at least 6 pins from aid is that bolting on rappel after top-roping is a better solution. Equipping routes on rappel allows for bolts to be minimized & placed in the best location. Cleaning loose rock on rappel is much safer, too. In 1979, climbing ethics are not what they are today, & bolting ground up was the accepted style. That soon changed in the Garden in the 1980s. Today, rap bolting is no longer controversial, as it was back then. In most areas, it's the accepted style.
That said, drilling the lower half of the climb from free stances provided a great deal of excitement & adventure. The route was established in the style of the 1970s. The first ascent of Mighty Thor was a great time shared with good friends from close by & far away.
I am glad that the original protection has been replaced with bomber bolts. I look forward to repeating it someday. I repeated the route dozens of times between 1979 & 1992. I don't think I've been back since then. Dec 30, 2018
Larkspur CO
Colorado Springs. Co