Type: | Sport |
FA: | Alan Nelson, Spring 2001 |
Page Views: | 1,340 total · 5/month |
Shared By: | Richard M. Wright on Aug 7, 2001 |
Admins: | Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Monty, Monomaniac, Tyler KC |
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Access Issue: Seasonal Raptor Closures/CDOT Road Work
Please be aware of the annual raptor seasonal closures!
Raptor Closures Effective February 1-July 31
Visit: jeffco.us/open-space/news/2…
Tunnel 1 closure
For more details visit: jeffco.us/open-space/alerts…
The two areas Jefferson County Open Space intends to close in Clear Creek Canyon, shown on the attached maps, encompass the active eagle nests. If the Clear Creek eagles continue to nest in the active nests, these areas will remain closed from February 1 through July 31. If the eagles choose different nesting sites, the closures will be adjusted accordingly to protect those eagles during their breeding season.
Currently, rock climbing areas that fall inside of the seasonal raptor closures include:
Blonde Formation
Bumbling Stock
Evil Area
Ghost Crag
Skinny Legs
Stumbling Block
Tetanus Garden
Fault Caves
June 7, 2021 - TBD: Highway 6 was currently doing full road closures from Sunday night to Friday morning every week. The closure is from the junction of CO Highway 119 and Highway 6 to the junction of Highway 40 and Highway 6 (mile post ~260 to ~257). Vehicles that remain in the closure will be towed at owners expense.
Sundays: 7PM-4AM
Monday-Thursday: 4PM-4AM
Raptor Closures Effective February 1-July 31
Visit: jeffco.us/open-space/news/2…
Tunnel 1 closure
For more details visit: jeffco.us/open-space/alerts…
The two areas Jefferson County Open Space intends to close in Clear Creek Canyon, shown on the attached maps, encompass the active eagle nests. If the Clear Creek eagles continue to nest in the active nests, these areas will remain closed from February 1 through July 31. If the eagles choose different nesting sites, the closures will be adjusted accordingly to protect those eagles during their breeding season.
Currently, rock climbing areas that fall inside of the seasonal raptor closures include:
Blonde Formation
Bumbling Stock
Evil Area
Ghost Crag
Skinny Legs
Stumbling Block
Tetanus Garden
Fault Caves
June 7, 2021 - TBD: Highway 6 was currently doing full road closures from Sunday night to Friday morning every week. The closure is from the junction of CO Highway 119 and Highway 6 to the junction of Highway 40 and Highway 6 (mile post ~260 to ~257). Vehicles that remain in the closure will be towed at owners expense.
Sundays: 7PM-4AM
Monday-Thursday: 4PM-4AM
From the right side of the block at the AKT belay, traverse right passing the belay for Nelsonator-I (dihedral) and continue right passing two more double bolt belay stations. The furthest right stance is for Right to Life which can be combined with Nelsonator-III (the arete) for a nice two pitch climb. Right to Life (aka P1) chases half a dozen bolts to a stance on the ramp above. This is a fun pitch combining big reaches in a tight corner system. Way too short for such good movement.
The approach traverse pitch from the ledge below Adventure Kayak Trundle passes four two-bolt anchor stations and one protection bolt and includes some 5.8/5.9 moves and some interesting route-finding around some large garden patches pasted to the wall. The route is only 30' long, but overhangs all the way. The route was bolted and led in Summer 2000.
The approach traverse pitch from the ledge below Adventure Kayak Trundle passes four two-bolt anchor stations and one protection bolt and includes some 5.8/5.9 moves and some interesting route-finding around some large garden patches pasted to the wall. The route is only 30' long, but overhangs all the way. The route was bolted and led in Summer 2000.
QD and a rope. Bring a 60m or doubles if you intend to rap from above Nelsonator-III or just left of the block. Anyway you decide to approach these distant routes, it will be necessary to get back to the AKT belay, and the descent entails traversing back behind the block to one of the double bolt rap stations off the ledge. Two bolt anchor at the base, four protection bolts, and a two bolt anchor with rings at the top.
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