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Three Fingered Jack

5.10b, Trad, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 3 from 121 votes
FA: unknown
California > Sonora Pass Hig… > Table Mountain > Grotto
Warning Access Issue: Agreement in place at Gold Wall. Respect signs and private property owners near the crags. DetailsDrop down


This route climbs up a crack system on the mid- left side, and is the crack just left of the dihedral to roof route called Snake Byte (5.11b). It can be indentified as a single crack on the ground, which turns into a system of two cracks about 20 feet off the ground, and then turns into a 3 crack system about 40 feet up.

The crux is either the lower crack, or the middle double crack section, depending on how big your hands are.

All protection is solid on this route, and there is almost always a good lock just where you need it.


Gear to 1 1/2" in the bottom 2/3 of the route, and anything goes up top.

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Michael Doty cruisin up Three Fingered Jack!
[Hide Photo] Michael Doty cruisin up Three Fingered Jack!
Three Fingered Jack
[Hide Photo] Three Fingered Jack
Photo by Dalton Johnson
[Hide Photo] Photo by Dalton Johnson @seek_shangri_la

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Andy Laakmann
Bend, OR
[Hide Comment] Great route with good gear. A nice warmup for Rawhide. Nov 25, 2006
[Hide Comment] Cool... nothing too challenging, as long as you're proficient with finger locks. Apr 2, 2009
[Hide Comment] Agree that it felt soft for 5.10b - the 5.10a just to the left of this was more a strenuous lead in my opinion. Good stances for placing gear at the start, wasn't ever worried about protecting the opening moves. Very cool finger locks going through the top half of the route - highly recommended! Oct 23, 2011
Latvian climber
[Hide Comment] Agree that Hole in the Wall felt harder. This route has so many horizontal breaks that you can use first as jugs for your hands and then shelves for your feet once you get on top of them. The abundance of rests makes it soft at .10b. I only used one #1 Camalot on this and nothing bigger. Some really cool fingerlocks where it splits into a trident. Jan 2, 2019
Jason Pirolo
San Francisco
[Hide Comment] really fun! Great one to learn how to sink into a variety of finger jam variations. Abundant gear and rest stances. Agree that if felt soft @10b Nov 13, 2022