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Bon Ez

5.9+, Sport, 80 ft (24 m),  Avg: 2.3 from 443 votes
FA: Steagall, Sandefur, Werner, and Sobocan, Fall 1990
Nevada > Southern Nevada > Red Rocks > (04) Second Pul… > Black Corridor > Lower Level > Lower Level - Left
Warning Access Issue: Red Rock RAIN AND WET ROCK: The sandstone is fragile and is very easily damaged when wet. DetailsDrop down


Bon Ez is the second route on the left (lower level) encountered in the Black Corridor. Climb through 7 or 8 bolts to a fixed anchor at the top.


Quickdraws, fixed anchors at the top.

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Bon EZ
[Hide Photo] Bon EZ
The anchor. Not everything in the corridor is set up with Mussy Hooks.
[Hide Photo] The anchor. Not everything in the corridor is set up with Mussy Hooks.

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[Hide Comment] Good route, but over kinda quick Feb 24, 2006
Salt Lake City, Utah
[Hide Comment] Better than the route to its left. A hold has broken right by the third clip making this route a bit harder but not enough to change the grade. Fun!! Jul 28, 2006
[Hide Comment] Fun, casual route, lots of great holds, but I wish it was longer. May 1, 2011
Matt Brunell
Milwaukee, WI
[Hide Comment] rap rings are both nearly 50% worn through. left anchor plate and bolt spin. Nov 29, 2016
[Hide Comment] 12/14/2016 ....The Southen Neveda Climbers Coalition southernnevadaclimberscoali… with support from ASCA preformed some route maintenance on Bon Ez. The loose hanger on the left anchor bolt was tightened and the bad chain links/rap rings were removed in addition to adding new quicklinks. Dec 14, 2016
Justine Formoso
Redwood City, CA
[Hide Comment] A friend of mine was cleaning off the anchors the Tuesday before Thanksgiving last month 2017 and took a nasty fall from the bolts after not setting up her ATC properly to lower off (Sidenote: Always double check your rappel systems before lowering!)After the incident, when we were pulling the rope through we noticed one end of the rope got stuck, we left cut our rope and left the piece there, wanted to post here in case anyone found the rope. It's stuck on a double knot at the top, please do not use as as fixed rope, it's not set up for that! Dec 4, 2017
Trenton Rosenbaum
Las Vegas, NV
[Hide Comment] Only 5.9 I've climbed with a dyno. (I'm 5 ft). Mar 5, 2018
michelle w
las vegas, nv
[Hide Comment] Great route! Watch out for the +. Felt like a gym route. Aug 18, 2018
[Hide Comment] The left anchor bolt is loose on this route. It will spin and can be wiggled side to side. It would not “pull out by hand” but it seems like this anchor is ready to be replaced. The right bolt seems good tho! May 2, 2019
Brad W
[Hide Comment] Great moves on this one. The 5.9s in Black Corridor are my favorite in Red Rocks with the best moves, and this was my favorite one. The crux, and honestly the most fun moves are in the middle of the climb. I loved this climb, had no idea it was going to be as much fun as it was from looking at the ground. Apr 5, 2022
Red Rock, NV
[Hide Comment] Route now has quick-clips on the anchors. I thought it was one of the best 9s in the Corridor. Also, there is no required dyno on this route. I can't imagine where one might try, nor could my 5'4" partner. Jul 4, 2022
Solace Sonder
[Hide Comment] 5'4", -1 ape, F, found this crux to be 5.10c. Had to work it probably 8 or so times to find beta that would work. While I did not have to dyno, I did have to do a very reachy difficult 5.10c move and I could see why others would dyno.

KrisG, perhaps consider how to make your comment a bit less abrasive so we can improve MP for everyone. I found your comment to be mean and unnecessary. Different bodies have very different beta, and there is no reason to shame anyone for that. Dec 6, 2024