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Death & Disfiguration
Trad, 70 ft (21 m),
Avg: 2.8 from 29
FA: unknown
> Baraboo Range
> Devil's Lake
> E Bluff 04 - E…
> 15: Pseudo Hawk's Nest
Start on the detached block and move a little left following a crack through what appears to be a shattered face but is WAY solid. Finish on the ledge.
The route goes with all stoppers and Tri-Cams
[Hide Photo] Burt Lindquist leading D&D with typical panache on a gorgeous spring day.
[Hide Photo] Routes just left of the gully.
[Hide Photo] Recently new Madtown resident girl climbs Death and Disfiguration for the first time. She approved.
[Hide Photo] Shane where are you??????
[Hide Photo] The left-most climbs at Pseudo Hawk's. October First is hidden behind rocks.
Delta, CO
The part of the route above the pillar is short but sustained, and I've heard loads of people describe this route as "pumpy."
At least two people I know have broken bones trying to lead this route: be sure you get a good directional as you leave the top of the pillar. Aug 4, 2008
Longmont, CO
Madison, WI
Madison, WI