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TR, 100 ft (30 m),
Avg: 2.8 from 21
FA: First Lead: Pete Cleveland
> Baraboo Range
> Devil's Lake
> E Bluff 04 - E…
> 12: Rainy Wednesday T…
Resurrection is a great face climb up the steep, long south face of Rainy Wednesday Tower. The climb starts on a 15-foot block which overhangs slightly. Get on top of this block and start up the right side of the face avoiding the corner to your right. The crux is about ten feet above the ledge (on top of the block). Very thin hand holds and feet get you up to slightly easier (though not much) terrain. Follow the holds up and to the left, aiming for a big scoop in the rock below a large roof. Go right around the roof, then move back left onto the face to finish the climb. This is a great sustained face climb that you will look up at and wonder, "How did I get up that?"
Top rope (or free solo)
[Hide Photo] Doug crux'n on Resurrection.
[Hide Photo] The Outhouse (135), False Alarm Jam (137), and Resurrection (138)
[Hide Photo] Rich nearing the point where the route begins to move left.
[Hide Photo] Rich searching for thin holds just above the block on Resurrection.
eldo sprngs, co
FYI, there was a small wasps nest in a jug halfway up under the roofs. Aug 7, 2011