Type: Trad, 50 ft (15 m)
FA: unknown
Page Views: 1,484 total · 6/month
Shared By: Tony B on Dec 26, 2003
Admins: Greg Opland, C Miller, Gunkswest, Mike Morley, Adam Stackhouse, Salamanizer Ski, Justin Johnsen, Vicki Schwantes

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This route is not bad for it's venue, but like most of the routes at the Lizard's Hangout it's short length and unintersting position merit only one star. Futhermore, it climbs more like a boulder problem than a route with a boulder crux (10b, not 10d) a meter or two up, then easy climbing to the top. This route should not be rated 'R' as it is in the Vogel guide.

On the SW face, find two cracks that start within a meter of each other at the ground, but diverge right and left to finish perhaps 4M apart. The left option, which passes a flake at a bulge to reach lower angle, lower key climbing is the Left Lizard Crack.

This route ascends on good locks and side-pulls to the crux crimper then up - the rest of the route was moderate jams and edges, and much less interesting. Maybe a good first 5.10d lead for some due to it's ease (felt like 10b) and pro from the ground + ease of stepping down to rest.

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This route protects with a standard light rack.

