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Lean Years

5.11, Sport, 40 ft (12 m),  Avg: 2.8 from 16 votes
FA: Jim Slichter & Greg Fossum-1990
S Dakota > Needles Of Rush… > Mt Rushmore Nat… > Chopping Block > Meat Counter
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Lean Years is the first route just to the left of the large boulder. It is a good lesson in delicate face climbing. The holds are small, and a sneeze or a light breeze could knock you off. Getting off the ground is the crux. Some call the first move 5.11d, but it is basically just a boulder problem start at V3/V4. Try this to improve your footwork, as the angle is very low.


5 quickdraws for bolts. Fixed anchors. The route is very short and well protected.

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Dale Snyder carefully picking his way through The Lean Years.
[Hide Photo] Dale Snyder carefully picking his way through The Lean Years.

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chris tregge
Madison WI
[Hide Comment] ^^Yeah we thought 11a was somewhat sandbagged with the direct start. Fun route, good lesson in delicate face climbing indeed. Sep 7, 2009