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Grant Eaton
Nov 3, 2016
This is the Mirror Pond Wall; one of four climbing locations in Eden park. Depending on the time of year, watch out for LOTS of plants with burrs on them and possible brush in front of the wall. The wall starts at less than a 90-degree angle and is slightly over-hung toward the top. Its shorter than the West wall, being around 15-20 feet.
Not The best wall, but it is the easiest. Good for new climbers but fairly boring and repetitive problems.


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This is the Mirror Pond Wall; one of four climbing locations in Eden park. Depending on the time of year, watch out for LOTS of plants with burrs on them and possible brush in front of the wall. The wall starts at less than a 90-degree angle and is slightly over-hung toward the top. Its shorter than the West wall, being around 15-20 feet. <br>
Not The best wall, but it is the easiest. Good for new climbers but fairly boring and repetitive problems.

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