LTW should be dry after a few hours if there’s a breeze or sun. I’ve seen it dry by 11am/12pm after it rained overnight and it was a cool fall day. We had to be selective until the cracks dried up but it won’t stop you from climbing.
I don’t know what forecast everyone is looking at, but i only see .05 inches of rain. Often it doesn’t even rain when it’s that low. I would just walk up to lower town wall and if it’s totally dry, then you can probably go do whatever your climbing objective is. If something like princely is wet, then I would still think face climbs would be dry like wham/frank pressley/model worker/ climax control/ cunning stunt. For cracks I think breakfast of champions or whatever that 10b crack on ltw is.
Face climbs and aretes dry really fast, cracks can seep for a while depending on how much it rains. I've climbed within an hour or two of hard rain before