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Rumney Reopening?

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Curious George · · Unknown Hometown · Joined May 2020 · Points: 0

Does anyone have guidance on the reopening of Rumney?

Curious if one of the stakeholders has comment on the official situation and what is (or is not) being discussed.

Is there a timeline?  Are certain benchmarks identified to reopen?

With NH identifying paths to reopen other parts of the state in general, I was surprised to see a lack of clear information on this.

Russ Keane · · Salt Lake · Joined Feb 2013 · Points: 392

Remove the question mark, and you'd be responsible for a cruel prank.

chris blatchley · · woodinville, wa · Joined Sep 2016 · Points: 11

one thing i can say based on experiences in WA, where state parks have reopened, the forest service and national parks are not on the same schedule. while state parks opened (mostly) may 5, parks and forest service seem to be aiming for late may, if that.

M Sprague · · New England · Joined Nov 2006 · Points: 5,080

Never. The virus has mutated with the ticks and rattle snakes. It may have to be burned off/ We are all antsy (was going to write dying) to hit the crags, but I don't think they should rush it. This shit is still very serious. My neighbor just lost his 20yo previously healthy and athletic daughter most likely to it. Perhaps a trial season for just those doing trail work, gear fixing up and new routing? /

chris blatchley · · woodinville, wa · Joined Sep 2016 · Points: 11
M Sprague wrote: The virus has mutated with the ticks and rattle snakes.

wait is this part a joke..?

M Sprague · · New England · Joined Nov 2006 · Points: 5,080
chris blatchley wrote:

wait is this part a joke..?

Yes, unless Lee has been eating the rattlesnakes.

Jay Knower · · Plymouth, NH; Lander, WY · Joined Jul 2001 · Points: 6,131

I believe Rumney is the only public-land climbing area that's closed in the Northeast (I could be wrong). Additionally the only places closed in the WMNF are Tuckermans and Rumney.

Clearly Rumney is being held to a higher standard for reopening, and I'm not sure why that is.

I do know that the RCA and Access Fund are working on it, and I trust they'll make the right decision for the health and safety of this area, but as per the timeline and/or benchmarks, I have not heard anything.

Insert name · · Harts Location · Joined Dec 2011 · Points: 56

The current issue is that most of the USFS and other lands will not have bathrooms open. I think within the Rumney crowd size that will be the deciding factor.

There have been people breaking into bathrooms in the whites, people were snowboarding on Mt Washington in the closed area, people are camping in closed campgrounds, driving around closed gates, building makeshift leantos, bridges, MTB trails, etc.

To be honest I think more stuff will be closed because of these idiots or it will directly impact future access.

Russ Keane · · Salt Lake · Joined Feb 2013 · Points: 392

It's hard to make the case that the local hospital system would be impacted by people congregating at a day-use climbing area, where anyone from out-of-state would be there for only a day, or maybe 2-3 weekend, and then returning to their home.  Symptoms of any virus would not show for 10-20 days or whatever it is.  So it's not like people touch a climbing hold, then lower down and  have Covid and need emergency care on the spot.  

Rock Climber · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Dec 2015 · Points: 309
Russ Keane wrote: It's hard to make the case that the local hospital system would be impacted by people congregating at a day-use climbing area, where anyone from out-of-state would be there for only a day, or maybe 2-3 weekend, and then returning to their home.  Symptoms of any virus would not show for 10-20 days or whatever it is.  So it's not like people touch a climbing hold, then lower down and  have Covid and need emergency care on the spot.
The more the weather stays nice, the more everyone wants to believe this. 
B Gilmore · · AZ · Joined Nov 2005 · Points: 1,265
M Sprague wrote: Perhaps a trial season for just those doing trail work, gear fixing up and new routing? /

This is extremely elitist, basically a loop-hole way to keep Rumeny open to the "in" crowd.

Cres Simpson · · Cambridge, MA · Joined Jan 2012 · Points: 5
B Gilmore wrote:

This is extremely elitist, basically a loop-hole way to keep Rumeny open to the "in" crowd.

Unfortunately this continues to be the theme with access issues in general, and the COVID-19 closures are no different. If it does open, there may well be arbitrary restrictions in place to keep people from Boston / parts South away.

Bitterness aside, I suspect the towns of Rumney and Farley will do their absolute best to keep the crags closed for several more months.

The bathroom issue is a big one. If USFS is keeping the bathrooms closed that would pose quite a challenge given the volume of traffic.
M Sprague · · New England · Joined Nov 2006 · Points: 5,080
B Gilmore wrote:

This is extremely elitist, basically a loop-hole way to keep Rumeny open to the "in" crowd.

That was a joke. I guess my internet punctuation illiteracy is showing in my attempt to use  / as a satire mark

M Sprague · · New England · Joined Nov 2006 · Points: 5,080

The place would be instantly jam packed if opened now, with people shitting and pissing all over the place, packing all together,  with conga lines of people pawing up and down the same holds of the classics and calling loudly up and down to each other.

B Gilmore · · AZ · Joined Nov 2005 · Points: 1,265
Cres Simpson wrote:

there may well be arbitrary restrictions in place to keep people from Boston / parts South away.

But what if I grew up in New Hampshire and was climbing in Rumney in the 80's, but now live in Boston... does that mean I'm from "Parts South" and I can't go? Or, am I grandfathered in... please advise.

proto G · · Falmouth (MA) · Joined Jan 2009 · Points: 224
Jay Knower wrote: Clearly Rumney is being held to a higher standard for reopening, and I'm not sure why that is.

Maybe, just maybe, because it's a really crowded crag?

Eric Engberg · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Apr 2009 · Points: 0
Jay Knower wrote: I believe Rumney is the only public-land climbing area that's closed in the Northeast (I could be wrong). Additionally the only places closed in the WMNF are Tuckermans and Rumney.

Clearly Rumney is being held to a higher standard for reopening, and I'm not sure why that is.

I do know that the RCA and Access Fund are working on it, and I trust they'll make the right decision for the health and safety of this area, but as per the timeline and/or benchmarks, I have not heard anything.

You could argue that the routes in Huntington fit that description.  Also routes in Acadia although I'm not sure if Acadia is supposed to be closed for all use or just to cars. 

Jay Knower · · Plymouth, NH; Lander, WY · Joined Jul 2001 · Points: 6,131
Eric Engberg wrote:

You could argue that the routes in Huntington fit that description.  Also routes in Acadia although I'm not sure if Acadia is supposed to be closed for all use or just to cars. 

I should have clarified--the whole Cutler River Drainage is closed, which I believe includes Tucks, Huntington, Gulf of Slides. So yeah, I guess there's other climbing that's closed in Huntington. 

Is Acadia closed? I hadn’t heard. 
Insert name · · Harts Location · Joined Dec 2011 · Points: 56
B Gilmore wrote:

But what if I grew up in New Hampshire and was climbing in Rumney in the 80's, but now live in Boston... does that mean I'm from "Parts South" and I can't go? Or, am I grandfathered in... please advise.

Traveling from one state to another spreads the disease, unless you are protesting it is all because of 5G... Frankly I don’t care who comes here, but if either state has a self quarantine period or you are on federal land and they require it. You obviously aren’t following protocol. Sorry but I doubt you are driving from Boston and not stopping to take a dump, eat, get gas, etc on your weekend at Rumney.

I had to sit for 14 days in a hotel to travel to work (Alaska, Hawaii mandate). I can cry and complain all I want, but the procedure is there and complaining about it does nothing. Either I didn’t make money or I sat in fake prison for the time.
Either break the rule and go climb, If you travel to climb, expect to deal with any negative consequences like any other adult in a situation. 
It’s just ironic liberal urban states/people for the most part are the ones who want to keep stuff closed. But they also drive to VT/NH from NY/MA/NJ to enjoy the activities. This includes a large portion of my friends from the tri-state. They want to keep the Gunks and other areas closed, but they want beta on where to camp and climb in NH...
Insert name · · Harts Location · Joined Dec 2011 · Points: 56
Ska ggs wrote: Rumney’s bathrooms and overcrowded parking was a issue long before covid

Yes, but now you are forcing people to be exposed to your potential that aren’t there recreating.

Climbers isn’t the big problem. 
But what about the seasonal USFS and AMC employees who clean up your mess and are in shared housing? If one person gets sick and interacts with the office, you have the potential to have a entire district closing for 14 days. 
Most Rumney climbers probably don’t know much about self rescue or emergency medicine. So who should respond to the calls and what happens when one exposes the group? (I’m on a rescue team as well as medical/fire, believe me this is all a issue many don’t want to deal with). Last thing anyone wants is to rescue someone infected and then carry it on to someone during a medical call days later.
I’m all for opening up everything and letting Nature run it’s course. But, they doesn’t seem to be the popular opinion and forcing that view onto people in certain areas that don’t effect your hometown is selfish (unless you agree with opening everything in your area as well).
GMBurns · · The Fucking Moon, man, the… · Joined Jul 2008 · Points: 470
M Sprague wrote: The place would be instantly jam packed if opened now, with people shitting and pissing all over the place, packing all together,  with conga lines of people pawing up and down the same holds of the classics and calling loudly up and down to each other.

And yet, this clearly is not a joke or satire, but an accurate prediction. Your Internet punctuation is quite inconsistent. 

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