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Chattanooga Climbing Options?

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Steven Bishop · · Denver, CO · Joined Jul 2010 · Points: 125

So, I am in Florida...not good for a Boulder climber used to excellent climbing within 15 minutes!
But I am trying to make the best of it and was thinking of taking a little weekend trip up to Chattanooga.
The problem is I will only have a day or two, and haven't been to any of the areas around there.
A little help choosing the right one would be much appreciated.
My choices are narrowed down to these 3:

Sunset Park?
or "the Falls?

I am really up for either sport or trad and really just interested in esthetic climbing in place that I wont be melting from the intense heat and humidity down here>>> hahahah

Anyway, thoughts about these crags Southern Climbers??

The Blueprint Part Dank · · FEMA Region VIII · Joined Jun 2013 · Points: 460

Not a Southern climber anymore, but I grew up in Chattanooga and learned how to climb at T-Wall, Foster's and Sunset Park.

This time of year, you are going to have the most enjoyable experience at Sunset Park, T-Wall is uniformly too hot, and Foster's has a lot less shady options than Sunset. I've climbed at Sunset Park in the heat of July and August, it wasn't the best experience ever, but it was far better than the alternatives in the heat.

cwentz · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Apr 2015 · Points: 0

T-wall will be baking in the sun as it is a crag you can climb at in the winter...don't get me wrong, probably the most esthetic place for hard route climbing. It is possible to climb there year round if the day's weather calls for mild temps or some cloud cover.

Sunset would be in shade (for the most part) and has some great lines with a beautiful overlook...good hiking too and most lines can be reached from the top if you needed to setup a top rope. However, parking is limited.

Foster falls...cant go wrong except maybe a bit crowded
Deep Creek...cant go wrong unless rain has been prevalent in the last day
Castle Rock...right down the road from Foster falls and less crowded (be sure to check out the website for access protocol on both deep creek and castle).

If you bring a pad, you could still eke out some early morning bouldering one of the days if coming in the next week or so...might be worth checking out your second day since you have not been to any of the fact just pack your entire belongings because you are not going to want to leave.


Steven Bishop · · Denver, CO · Joined Jul 2010 · Points: 125

Hey thanks guys for the info!
Much appreciated!
That's basically all I needed to know...I assume that eventually I will be visiting all of these places at some time..but it is already ridiculously hot and shaded climbing is of top priority!

Now all I need to do is find a partner! hahaha

Alan Brock · · Cleveland, TN · Joined Apr 2012 · Points: 35

T Wall is my favorite of those three, but you really can't go wrong with any of them. Just a heads up, I don't know when you plan on making your trip, but T-Wall is closed sporadically for the next few weeks for managed hunt dates. The closure dates are: Apr 7-12, 15-17, 23-25, 28-30, May 1-3. (from…) Plan your trip accordingly; looks like Sunset may be your best bet.

Alan Brock · · Cleveland, TN · Joined Apr 2012 · Points: 35

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