Dec 15, 2014
Grand Junction/Delta, CO
· Joined Dec 2007
· Points: 40
Looking for a partner for evenings at Movement. I work and live in Loveland so I can't be in Boulder until 6-6:15ish. I would also be interested in outside partners but would like to get a couple of evening sessions in during the week
Tina, just out of interest, why Movement and not Inner Strength or Miramont up in Fort Collins? I live in Loveland and head up to those gyms regularly. I've been to Movement and it's really nice, just seems like a long way to go.
I am getting back into climbing after a little time off. I am starting to look for people to climb with and I can meet at Movement one or two nights per week. Let me know if you are still interested.
Dec 23, 2014
Unknown Hometown
· Joined Sep 2012
· Points: 0
I'd love to climb with yall at movement. I find myself bouldering despondently because I have such a limited arsenal of partners. Anyone want to climb tomorrow? I'm free all day.
Merry Xmas Tina,I am around..... i would like to climb...hows Ollie?
Dec 24, 2014
Unknown Hometown
· Joined Sep 2012
· Points: 0
Think I PMed you Mike, hopefully did.
I'll be at Movement at between 12:30 and 3:30 today, climbing with one or some of you guys (who remembers?!)
Dec 26, 2014
Grand Junction/Delta, CO
· Joined Dec 2007
· Points: 40
Hey all, sorry I've been mia for a bit. I'm psyched to get so much interest. I should be able to get there Tuesday night, I'm meeting someone there, but I am always open to more partners, so let me know. I am thinking Tuesday and Thursday nights as a routine. Mike :-) good to hear from you, Oli is good. Let's do shelf when this snow melts!