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Looking for a Governor Stables, PA Guidebook!

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Tim Quick · · Nazareth, Pa · Joined Feb 2012 · Points: 1,566

Anyone in here happen to frequent Climbnasium indoor gym or have a copy of the Governor Stables guidebook that I could buy from them?

To my knowledge, you can only get this guidbook at the boulders or at Climbnasium. If anyone can help out, that would be pretty awesome.

Many thanks!

Seth Derr · · harrisburg, pa · Joined Apr 2010 · Points: 2,260

I can probably help you out. I'm not sure if they have any in stock at the nasium right now or not. Going in tonight, would be happy to check.

Edit: Spoke with Climbnasium, they're completely out of stock. Sent a text to the author to see if he has anymore lying around, but you might be s.o.l.

Tim Quick · · Nazareth, Pa · Joined Feb 2012 · Points: 1,566

Thanks a ton Seth for checking to see if Climbnasium had any for shooting a message over to the author. Its hugely appreciated!

If you somehow happen to run across one, that would be pretty bad @ss.

Seth Derr · · harrisburg, pa · Joined Apr 2010 · Points: 2,260

Just talked to Kevin and he doesn't have any left either. He mentioned a reprint in passing but i wouldn't hold my breath. This is completely speculation on my part, but I would imagine they won't do anything new until they figure out what happens after August 2013.

I don't know of anyone who would have an extra one. I have a copy of the comp guide you could have, not sure how helpful that would be though.

Guideline #1: Don't be a jerk.

Northeastern States
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