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Marty Karabin accident, Etc.

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Greg Opland · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Nov 2001 · Points: 181

First off, Marty is alive, so this isn't a horrible post.
Too many of those lately.

But, Marty was bouldering last week up by Salt Lake City while he was there for the OR show, and cratered into the pads. They saved his head and shoulders, but his leg augered in under him and he came out with a badly broken femur. He was in the hospital for a bit while they plated and screwed his leg back together, but he is expected to make a full recovery. He is returning to Phoenix sometime today.

Now for the bad part... Marty didn't have medical insurance. Friends have set up an account in case other friends and partners in the community want to donate to help him out with what I'm sure are pretty horrendous medical bills. I believe the PRG guys are working on a couple of fund raiser projects as well, so stay tuned for info on those. Marty has spent a load of his own money over the years putting up a boatload of great routes in the Phoenix area (and elsewhere), so maybe this is a good time for some of us to pony up and help him out.

If you'd like to help Marty out, here's the account info:

Robert Olsen for Marty Karabin Recovery Fund

Wells Fargo
Name on the account: Robert Olson
Acct Number: 9613232793

Note: To donate to the account, you need to provide the name on the account and the account number.
The name on the account (because he set it up) is Robert Olson.
susan peplow · · Joshua Tree · Joined Jan 2006 · Points: 2,756

Yup, look for yourselves. Guy looks just miserable!

That's Marty for you. Broken leg, giant medical bills and loss of income due to injury and the sucker is still smiling?!!?!

Photo taken by the man on the streets the local Brian SLC. Thanks for taking the time Brian to check in on our dear friend Marty.

One of the "Marty's Angels"


p.s. Thanks Greg :)

Manny Rangel · · PAYSON · Joined Jan 2006 · Points: 4,799

Glad it wasn't worse. THanks for the info on donating. I have enjoyed many of his routes in Queen Creek and elsewhere. I owe him a lot for all the great routes. Great guy.

bio · · mesa, az · Joined Dec 2007 · Points: 2,324

Sorry to hear the news. Marty has contributed a lot to Arizona climbing, when you think of all the routes he's put up and how many people he has introduced to climbing over the years. Arizona climbing wouldn't be the same without him.

1Eric Rhicard · · Tucson · Joined Feb 2006 · Points: 10,225

I wish you a speedy recovery Marty. I hope you have learned your lesson about climbing without a rope! Ha Ha!

suprasoup · · Rio Rancho, NM · Joined Mar 2009 · Points: 580

OMG! I totally flipped when I saw this post. Damn near had a heart attack. Thank goodness your alright Marty! Hope your recovery goes smoothly. Miss ya from the days of Climbmax and ninja routes. Thx for taking me under your wing during my formative climbing years, for your awesome routes and for keeping that crazy hairdo of yours:). You the Man!

Sandy Draus · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Aug 2009 · Points: 45

Hey Susan, You didn't include the caption on Marty's photo...

"Marty has a climbAXE in his hospital bed!"

When I had my accident years ago, I was totally overwhelmed and touched by the outpouring of help from the climbing community. I'm sure that'll be the same for Marty. Marty has contributed so much over the years that it's certainly now time to contribute back to him. And what a relief that complete recovery is in his future.

Another of "Marty's Angels"


Klymergurl · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Aug 2009 · Points: 0

Hey all. Think the recovery fund is great for Marty. Wanted to donate to it but needed the account holder's first and last name as it appeared on the account along with the account number. Tried several combinations of "Marty Karabin" and others but no luck. Can I get that info? Others probably need it too.

Thank you



Dief · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Sep 2007 · Points: 0

I visited Marty today. He is in good spirits and is doing very well. They surgeon actually had to remove the pieces of his femur, screw them together on a rod and then insert the rod and bone back into his leg. It is expected that he will make a full recovery but it will take awhile.

In addition to making a donation to his Recovery Fund I would like to suggest that if you need any climbing gear to please visit his store AZ Cliff Hanger. Every little bit helps.

Sandy Draus · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Aug 2009 · Points: 45

A little update on Marty...

I had nurse duty at Marty's last night.
Changed the bandage and cleaned him up. 36 stitches...some HUGE bruising...but looking good.
He's sleeping well with percoset.
It's a tough transition to being strong and capable to not being able to do much of anything alone.
He can get in and out of his wheelchair most of the time by himself...and does a good job around his small place after one of the doors was removed.
Changing his underwear is a challenge. He can't bend down, so his hotdog tongs do well.
The lazer pointer is really helping with showing us where things might be.
Any other hints are accepted.

Tosh Peters · · Park City, UT · Joined Oct 2007 · Points: 105

I cant believe this happened! I just met Marty for the first time bouldering in little cottonwood canyon last saturyday and he said he was planning on heading back to phenoex the next day. I had been to the Phenoex rock gym once and was stoked to meet the guy who put together that museum collection of old gear. He obviously loves life and climbing and I hope he can get back to activity quickly. Does anyone know which problem he fell off when this happened? We climbed with him and his buddies for almost an hour at the secret gerden and the atmosphere seemed way to relaxed for something like this to happen. Get well soon Marty! rehabing your leg is a bitch but there are worse things that could've happened. thanks for being one of the people who make climbing what it is.

suprasoup · · Rio Rancho, NM · Joined Mar 2009 · Points: 580

Never ever thought I'd see the day when Marty wasn't smiling. Chin up Marty!!

Fletch · · Scottsdale · Joined Nov 2007 · Points: 30

We are all thinking about you Marty! Big Hugs!


Curt Shannon · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Jun 2006 · Points: 5

Holy crap Marty,

That looks just awful. I hope you're on the fast track to full recovery. If I can do anything for you, just ask.


Healyje · · PDX · Joined Jan 2006 · Points: 422

Jesus Friggin' H. Christ - WTF Marty!?!?!?!

No wonder I didn't here anything from / about you after Stephane mentioned you were headed up to the show. Damn it dude - that's supposed to be 'Rock On'; not 'Rock Into it'. Should I send rare gear or money?

Sandy Draus · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Aug 2009 · Points: 45

Hey Healyje...for right now, money would be best. He has no insurance and will be off work for a long while.
You can send the rare gear later.

Healyje · · PDX · Joined Jan 2006 · Points: 422
Sandy Draus wrote:Hey Healyje...for right now, money would be best. He has no insurance and will be off work for a long while. You can send the rare gear later.
Money it is.

Hey, what are those funky calf sleeves with the black tubing?
Jay Anderson · · Unknown Hometown · Joined May 2009 · Points: 15

Holy moley, Marty, get better and some insurance!

Todd Gordon · · Joshua Tree, CA · Joined Nov 2006 · Points: 10,796

Speedy recovery, Marty;....your Queen Creek Guide is one of my favorites, and a guidebook that makes most climbing guides pale compared to it; sorry about the accident. I've also heard about your climbing "collection" of gear and such; the man. I'll buy some lottery tickets this week and see if I can send you some $.....but don't hold your breath.....I do have a good word and positive thoughts for you; RULE!....get it well and able ASAP.......cheers. Todd Gordon

Zach Allen · · Unknown Hometown · Joined Sep 2005 · Points: 55
Healyje wrote: Money it is. Hey, what are those funky calf sleeves with the black tubing?
They inflate intermittently so the blood doesn't pool in your calves and clot while you're laying in bed.
Deidre Burton · · Winslow, AZ · Joined Feb 2007 · Points: 0

marty marty marty!

the one good thing about injury down time is you can really get to work on your beer belly.

when you are ready to start climbing again, holler at me and we can start ticking off 5.5's together.

hang tough.

luv ya,

Guideline #1: Don't be a jerk.

Arizona & New Mexico
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