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Canyon Proper

Nevada > Southern Nevada > Red Rock Boulders > (10) Oak Creek Canyon…
Warning Access Issue: Red Rock RAIN AND WET ROCK: The sandstone is fragile and is very easily damaged when wet. DetailsDrop down


The most popular boulders in the Oak Creek Canyon lie outside the canyon, in the Hillside Boulders or Beehive Knoll Area clusters. However, some quality boulders lie at the mouth of the canyon or inside the canyon itself.

Getting There

The shortest approach requires parking at the (North) Oak Creek Trailhead within the Scenic Loop. The scenic loop can be bypassed by parking at the Middle Oak Creek Trailhead off Route 159, but this will add 0.7 miles of approach. Either way, the north and middle trails meet up at a junction. See individual boulders for approach instructions.

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American Dream. December 2018.
[Hide Photo] American Dream. December 2018.