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The Bakery

California > Joshua Tree NP > Indian Cove > Rattlesnake Canyon > Iceberg Boulder Area
Warning Access Issue: Temporary Closure in effect from April 3 to June 15, 2024 DetailsDrop down
Warning Access Issue: Climbing Regulations/Seasonal Raptor Closures DetailsDrop down


This is a newly developed area in-between the parking area and Boortemus. The area originally had 1 bolted line but many hard trad lines undone. A few of the trad lines have now been FA'd.

The only fixed hardware on this formation is from the unknown sport route. Use this to rap. Easy scrambling left will take you to this station.

Getting There

Approach as for Finleys crack or Boortemus area. This is the clump in between. Almost the backside of "Petraeus"

Routes from Left to Right

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The front/most obvious section of "The Bakery" routes lie to the right and left. Pictured "Tomahawk Chop 10+"
[Hide Photo] The front/most obvious section of "The Bakery" routes lie to the right and left. Pictured "Tomahawk Chop 10+"