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Pga alt A1A Overpass

Florida > Artificial Boulders
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Urban climb up the side of the bridge. There’s some good cracks that have a jug like feel if you can get your hand in there. The footing is mostly slope some jugs in spots. 25 foot high ball problem. There’s some ledges that are about 12 feet to top out.

Getting There

Park in the legacy place parking lot in palm beach gardens. Walk pga west to the bridge. Go along the south side of the bridge walking west. Till you’re almost to alt A1A. You’ll see a pillar and a u shape around it in the wall. You can really climb anywhere you see fit on this thing though.

Routes from Left to Right

V1 5 X
Cr*p Shoot
Route Name Location Star Rating Difficulty Date
Cr*p Shoot
V1 5 X Boulder

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Climbing the cr*p shoot crack
[Hide Photo] Climbing the cr*p shoot crack