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Kadir’s Tree House

International > Asia > Turkey > Olympos


A small crag behind Kadir’s Tree House with some good rock that unfortunately suffers from crowded bolting and old anchors. Routes range from 5.7-5.10+.

Getting There

Just across the river from Kadir’s Tree House.

Routes from Left to Right

5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b
Kisa Donem
5.9+ 5c 17 VI 17 E1 5a
5.10a/b 6a+ 19 VI+ 19 E2 5b
5.10c/d 6b+ 21 VII+ 21 E3 5b
Turkish Delight
Route Name Location Star Rating Difficulty Date
Kisa Donem
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b Sport
5.9+ 5c 17 VI 17 E1 5a Sport
5.10a/b 6a+ 19 VI+ 19 E2 5b Sport
Turkish Delight
5.10c/d 6b+ 21 VII+ 21 E3 5b Sport

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Left side of the crag, there's 5 sets of anchors for what looked to me like 3 routes. Some of the anchors are very old, and the set to the furthest left doesn't seem to be connected to any route at all.
[Hide Photo] Left side of the crag, there's 5 sets of anchors for what looked to me like 3 routes. Some of the anchors are very old, and the set to the furthest left doesn't seem to be connected to any route at…
kadirs, where to stay
[Hide Photo] kadirs, where to stay
kadirs tree house from the kadir crag
[Hide Photo] kadirs tree house from the kadir crag