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Giant's Slab Boulder

W Virginia > Northern WV > Cheat Canyon > University Rese… > Darnell Hollow > 5th Pull Off (School…


This tall boulder has many classic slab lines on it. Amazing rock quality with plenty of small and unique features.

Getting There

After parking at the 5th pulloff. Head north uphill past the Micro-Bus boulder. The tall slab straight up hill between the Demi-God boulder and the Arete boulder is the Giant's Slab boulder.

Routes from Left to Right

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Arges - Pink
Porphyrion - Mint
Typhon - Blue
Brontes - Yellow
Steropes - Purple
Pallas - Red
Damysus - Orange
[Hide Photo] Arges - Pink Porphyrion - Mint Typhon - Blue Brontes - Yellow Steropes - Purple Pallas - Red Damysus - Orange