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Name of the Wind Boulder

Washington > Northwest Region > Bellingham & Mt… > Bellingham Area > Larrabee > Lost Ledge > Main Area


Boulder that contains two V7s and a V4 traverse

Getting There

Go up to the Conjuring boulder and you will see a south bound trail. Follow this trail for about 20 ft to reach the NOTW boulder

Routes from Left to Right

V7 7A+
V7 7A+
Name of the Wind
V4 6B
Road to Tinue
Route Name Location Star Rating Difficulty Date
V7 7A+ Boulder
Name of the Wind
V7 7A+ Boulder
Road to Tinue
V4 6B Boulder

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NOTW starts down left and goes up on crimps. Road to Tinue starts on the bottom of the right arete and traverses up and left.
[Hide Photo] NOTW starts down left and goes up on crimps. Road to Tinue starts on the bottom of the right arete and traverses up and left.

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Zach Higley
Exeter, NH
[Hide Comment] damn it kvothe Jul 7, 2024