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Elevation: 7,391 ft 2,253 m
GPS: 42.73173, -108.83147
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Page Views: 16,184 total · 221/month
Shared By: bob branscomb on Feb 8, 2019 · Updates
Admins: The Morse-Bradys, Mike Snyder, Taylor Spiegelberg, Jake Dickerson

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Shady side--best in the summer. Winter is waaay chilly.

There are several interesting looking dens down the cliff.  We have seen bear scat several times on the way to the cliff so keep your eyes peeled.  I also have this funny intuition, seeing all the deer parts lying around this spring, that there is at least one mountain lion in the immediate vicinity.  

Takes about 20-30 minutes to get to the cliff from the campground.

The routes to date here are on the long side.  On most routes, a 60m rope is sufficient to get down from the top anchors except for   Requiem for a Nun, Emperor of the Sky, and Ruby Tuesday which require two rappels to descend. With a 70m rope, you can rappel from the top anchors to the ground on these three routes.

Getting There Suggest change

The Aspen Grade Wall is the tall cliff on the south side of Sinks Cnyn above the Sinks Canyon Cmpground, west of the Heavy Metal Rock Band.

Park @ Sinks Canyon Cmpground. Cross river, turn left and follow trail to Moose Gulch Trail. Follow this to Aspen Grade Trail and head up that trail. Just before some big aspens, a tiny cairn will be spotted on the left. Head up faint track and game trails to the west end of the cliff.  The climbs from US Blues to Surfing for Perverts are at the west end of this cliff. Requiem for a Nun, Emperor of the Sky, Summer's Ready..., Ruby Tuesday are on the east end of the cliff, accessible by a trail starting at US Blues that follows the cliff base.

Alternate and shorter route to the climbs on the left (east) side of the wall:  Park @ Sinks Canyon Campground. Cross river, turn left and follow trail to Moose Gulch Trail. Follow this to Aspen Grade Trail and head up that trail. At the first small patch of aspens look left for a small arrow on an aspen.  From here weave straight up and to the right on a faint trail for about 100-150 yards, then trend left for about 35 yards, passing just below a granite boulder, then up again passing between two large limestone boulders.  Once past the limestone boulders, trend up and left about 30 yards to a well used game trail that contours to the east - follow this for about 150 yards to the base of the eastern most Aspen Grade buttress that is home to Aces, Requiem, etc. 

44 Total Climbs

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Classic Climbing Routes at Aspen Grade Wall

Mountain Project's determination of the classic, most popular, highest rated climbing routes in this area.
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b
True Sailing is Dead
5.10a 6a 18 VI+ 18 E1 5a
US Blues
5.10a/b 6a+ 19 VI+ 19 E2 5b
Emperor of The Sky
Sport 3 pitches
5.10b 6a+ 19 VII- 19 E2 5b
Ice Cream for Crow
Sport 2 pitches
5.10b 6a+ 19 VII- 19 E2 5b
Ruby Tuesday
Sport 2 pitches
5.10c 6b 20 VII 20 E2 5b
New Pony
Sport 2 pitches
5.10d 6b+ 21 VII+ 21 E3 5b
Rosin Up the Bow
5.11a 6c 22 VII+ 22 E3 5c
Requiem for a Nun
Sport 2 pitches
5.11a 6c 22 VII+ 22 E3 5c
Hearty and Hellish!
5.11b 6c 23 VIII- 23 E3 5c
Celine's Cat
Sport 2 pitches
5.11b 6c 23 VIII- 23 E3 5c
Stone Moses
Sport 2 pitches
5.12a 7a+ 25 VIII+ 25 E5 6a
Ace of Diamonds
5.12a 7a+ 25 VIII+ 25 E5 6a
Above The Clouds
5.12a 7a+ 25 VIII+ 25 E5 6a
Operation Amber Sky
5.12b 7b 26 VIII+ 26 E5 6b
The Puma Pit
Route Name Location Star Rating Difficulty Date
True Sailing is Dead
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b Sport
US Blues
5.10a 6a 18 VI+ 18 E1 5a Sport
Emperor of The Sky
5.10a/b 6a+ 19 VI+ 19 E2 5b Sport 3 pitches
Ice Cream for Crow
5.10b 6a+ 19 VII- 19 E2 5b Sport 2 pitches
Ruby Tuesday
5.10b 6a+ 19 VII- 19 E2 5b Sport 2 pitches
New Pony
5.10c 6b 20 VII 20 E2 5b Sport 2 pitches
Rosin Up the Bow
5.10d 6b+ 21 VII+ 21 E3 5b Sport
Requiem for a Nun
5.11a 6c 22 VII+ 22 E3 5c Sport 2 pitches
Hearty and Hellish!
5.11a 6c 22 VII+ 22 E3 5c Sport
Celine's Cat
5.11b 6c 23 VIII- 23 E3 5c Sport 2 pitches
Stone Moses
5.11b 6c 23 VIII- 23 E3 5c Sport 2 pitches
Ace of Diamonds
5.12a 7a+ 25 VIII+ 25 E5 6a Sport
Above The Clouds
5.12a 7a+ 25 VIII+ 25 E5 6a Sport
Operation Amber Sky
5.12a 7a+ 25 VIII+ 25 E5 6a Sport
The Puma Pit
5.12b 7b 26 VIII+ 26 E5 6b Sport
More Classic Climbs in Aspen Grade Wall »

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