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2) Main Area (John's Slab/ Tick boulder)
> Central Oregon
> Central Oregon…
> Bend Area
> Skyliners Rd
> Tick Ranch / Th…
> Tick Ranch
This area is a collection of a small to mid-sized boulders with 1-4 problems each roughly laid out in a straight line along the trail. As such, it is listed as one area despite the problems being split up onto 6 or 7 separate boulders.
Much more fun that it looks at first, these boulder houses a couple very enjoyable problems concentrated in the VB-V3 range, with 1-2 harder problems.
At least some of the boulders get partial shade from the trees all day, others can be pretty hot in the sun
Getting There
After walking up the Tumalo Creek trail, and then walking along the cliffband for a while this will be the second developed boulder on your right. You will be setting your pads on the trail when climbing this boulder, but it's still possible to walk past it because it is not particularly striking at first. When you walk past this boulder you'll see the more obvious Tick Boulder, and then you'll know you just passed John's slab.