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Tarzan Swing

New York > Powerlinez > Powerlinez Bou… > Welcome Boulders
Warning Access Issue: As of November 2021, there are new parking arrangements. Please follow this guidance. DetailsDrop down


Some nice low graded climbs on this boulder for a new boulderers to get their feet wet or for veterans to warm up on. Fun climbs.

Getting There

On the main trail, you pass 'Torch Boulder' and 'Flight from Doom', this boulder is a 10 or 15 yards past 'Flight from Doom' on the right. Very obvious as its only 20 feet from the trail and it has a distinct horizontal crack that runs from the bottom left to the top right of the boulder.

Routes from Left to Right

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Tarzan Swing. Behind and up the hill a bit is Hey Up There.
[Hide Photo] Tarzan Swing. Behind and up the hill a bit is Hey Up There.
Bad lighting, but you get the idea.  It's about 30 feet from the path.
[Hide Photo] Bad lighting, but you get the idea. It's about 30 feet from the path.