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Cart Bridge Boulders

Utah > Northeast Utah > Flaming Gorge


Bouldering scattered around Cart Bridge near the Flaming Gorge dam. The rock is surprisingly solid quartzitic sandstone. The area seems to have lots of good beginner slabs as well as some harder lines. If anyone has any information about the previous development it would be appreciated.

Getting There

Heading south west from Flaming Gorge Dam, cross Cart Bridge and park off to the right. From the parking lot, head north and immediately drop down 30 feet on one of several trails, and then head west. (There is a prominent trail heading to the lake, don't go there). Walk west for 15-25 yards and look for cairns heading north. This trail will take you to the Flintstones area via a rock trail through junipers. If you miss this,the next trail with cairns heads north through dirt and cactus and will bring you to the Nip and Tuck boulder. All boulders are within a few minutes walk of each others so just get in there and find one to get oriented.

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Cart Bridge
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