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The Arena

Colorado > Grand Junction… > Holy Cross Boulders


The Arena is a great area with plenty of potential. It's similar to other areas in Grand Junction that not every boulder is stellar, but there's still plenty to be done for those who want to explore.

The rock quality, again, varies, but can be spectacular to terrible. It's definitely secluded as this is primarily a mountain bike trail. We've never seen other climbers out there and only a handful of bikers/trail runners total.

Getting There

Take Little Park Road heading towards the Colorado National Monument approximately 3 miles. Park at the Lunch Loop trailhead on the left, just after the last house on Little Park Rd. Hike down the Holy Cross Trail, then take a right at the first fork. The trail sign will read Preup to Holy Cross, go right. This will take you to a ridge overlooking Upper & Lower Holy Cross Trail. You're within 1/4 mile of the boulders.

Then drop into the valley on the left. This is upper HC Arena, (stay on trail), which will take you to the LDY Boulder.

Dropping onto the right side will put you in the vicinity of the East Side Boulders, where Holy Cross and Joe's Simulator are.

The approach time is 20 minutes.

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Another shot of LDY on the overhang.
[Hide Photo] Another shot of LDY on the overhang.