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Oliphant Boulder

New York > Powerlinez > Powerlinez Bou… > Welcome Boulders
Warning Access Issue: As of November 2021, there are new parking arrangements. Please follow this guidance. DetailsDrop down


This is a string of boulders all contained roadside as you enter the Powerlinez. The rocks are close together, making it easy for climbers to get on different boulders. Tree cover provides a lot of shade, however, the sun still manages to peek through and thus, the area is well lit. Being at the entrance, especially just off the road, you're likely to see some other climbers or quads/dirtbikes travelling the road (a little more rare).

The rock is similar to the rest of the rock contained in the Powerlinez. It's a bit rough with some sharp edges and nice cracks. This leads to great, strong holds and encourages interesting moves. These rocks provide you with several route options: highballs, cracks, traverses, etc.

Overall, this is a great place to warm up or hang out if the threat of rain is present. At the same time, it is definitely worth spending a day on just exploring what the road has to offer.

Getting There

If you're parked in the big dirt pulloff across from the weigh station on Torne Valley Road, follow the trail in the Northwest corner of the parking lot. The trail will bring you over Torne brook and lead you out onto a dirt road. From the dirt road there are two options:

- Follow the road up to the right, making a left at the first intersection you come to. The rocks will start to appear on your right and after some distance, you'll see a right turn leading you up under the powerlines. This leads to other areas.

- Cross the dirt road and walk up the hill, over the large rock patch. You'll go through some woods but on the other side is the road and the boulders will be to your left and right.

All in all, the trek in takes about 10-15 minutes.

Routes from Left to Right

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The left turn on the road brings you up to the Road Boulders.
[Hide Photo] The left turn on the road brings you up to the Road Boulders.
Tarzan Swing. Behind and up the hill a bit is Hey Up There.
[Hide Photo] Tarzan Swing. Behind and up the hill a bit is Hey Up There.
Oliphant Boulder. Contains Legolas Attacks (V4), Oliphant Crack (V2), and Right Flank (V3).
[Hide Photo] Oliphant Boulder. Contains Legolas Attacks (V4), Oliphant Crack (V2), and Right Flank (V3).

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[Hide Comment] This is not "Road Boulder". This is "Oliphant Boulder" and should be listed within the "Welcome Boulders" section of the Powerlinez page. Apr 18, 2016