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Tehipite Dome

California > Sequoia & Kings Canyo…
Warning Access Issue: Always check SEKI road conditions and peregrine closures DetailsDrop down


Tehipite Dome is the largest dome in the Sierra.

Getting There

Approach from the Rancheria trailhead near Wishon Reservoir.

Routes from Left to Right

4th 1 2 I 2 M 1b
Tehipite Dome - North Ridge
5.11 6c+ 23 VIII- 23 E4 5c
Too Hip
Trad 6 pitches
5.13- 7c+ 29 IX+ 29 E7 6c
The Tehipite Sanction
Trad 17 pitches
5.10 6b 20 VII- 19 E2 5b A3+
In the Niche of Time
Trad, Aid 21 pitches
5.9 5c 17 VI 17 HVS 5a A4
Tehipite Dome - Southwest Face (…
Trad, Aid 18 pitches
5.10b 6a+ 19 VII- 19 E2 5b
Wilderness Serenity
Trad 5 pitches
5.11+ 7a 24 VIII 24 E4 6a A0
Wall of Ages
Trad, Aid 26 pitches
5.10 6b 20 VII- 19 E2 5b
Time Warp (Beckey)
Trad 17 pitches
One for the Ladies
Trad 25 pitches
5.11 6c+ 23 VIII- 23 E4 5c
Trad 11 pitches
5.11+ 7a 24 VIII 24 E4 6a PG13
There and Back Again
Trad 12 pitches
5.10+ 6b+ 21 VII+ 20 E3 5b PG13
One For The Homies
Trad 6 pitches
Route Name Location Star Rating Difficulty Date
Tehipite Dome - North Ridge
4th 1 2 I 2 M 1b Trad
Too Hip
5.11 6c+ 23 VIII- 23 E4 5c Trad 6 pitches
The Tehipite Sanction
5.13- 7c+ 29 IX+ 29 E7 6c Trad 17 pitches
In the Niche of Time
5.10 6b 20 VII- 19 E2 5b A3+ Trad, Aid 21 pitches
Tehipite Dome - Southwest F…
5.9 5c 17 VI 17 HVS 5a A4 Trad, Aid 18 pitches
Wilderness Serenity
5.10b 6a+ 19 VII- 19 E2 5b Trad 5 pitches
Wall of Ages
5.11+ 7a 24 VIII 24 E4 6a A0 Trad, Aid 26 pitches
Time Warp (Beckey)
5.10 6b 20 VII- 19 E2 5b Trad 17 pitches
One for the Ladies
Trad 25 pitches
5.11 6c+ 23 VIII- 23 E4 5c Trad 11 pitches
There and Back Again
5.11+ 7a 24 VIII 24 E4 6a PG13 Trad 12 pitches
One For The Homies
5.10+ 6b+ 21 VII+ 20 E3 5b PG13 Trad 6 pitches

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Tehipite Dome: (1) South Face/Time Warp (Beckey-Swedlund & Ahern-Weeks, 1963; FFA Bard-Harrington-Leversee, 1983). (2) Southwest Face (Chadwick-Kroger-Weeden, 1970). (3) Too Hip (Felton-Leversee, 1996). (4) In the Niche of Time (Felton-Joe-Zielsky, 1997). (5) Wall of Ages (Fehrman-Nettle-Sweeney-Thau, 2001). (6) Tehipite Sanction (Brumbaugh-Menitove-Pizem, 2010). Jay Wilkerson<br>
Photo found on American Alpine Club Website. <br>
My understanding is Wall of Ages is 3400' !!!
[Hide Photo] Tehipite Dome: (1) South Face/Time Warp (Beckey-Swedlund & Ahern-Weeks, 1963; FFA Bard-Harrington-Leversee, 1983). (2) Southwest Face (Chadwick-Kroger-Weeden, 1970). (3) Too Hip (Felton-Leversee, 1…
Tehipite dome and the middle fork of the Kings. land before time style
[Hide Photo] Tehipite dome and the middle fork of the Kings. land before time style
Photo by Damien N
[Hide Photo] Photo by Damien N
yellow- wall of ages, orange- one for the ladies, purple astro gil, blue one for the homies, red failed attempt ( will fleming photo)
[Hide Photo] yellow- wall of ages, orange- one for the ladies, purple astro gil, blue one for the homies, red failed attempt ( will fleming photo)
Tehipite Dome (upper South face) - updated route overlay.  Original photo by Rene Ardesch
[Hide Photo] Tehipite Dome (upper South face) - updated route overlay. Original photo by Rene Ardesch
Tehipite Dome on the right side seen flying an RV6 at 10,000ft
[Hide Photo] Tehipite Dome on the right side seen flying an RV6 at 10,000ft
Tehipite dome 
North Ridge bivy pano
[Hide Photo] Tehipite dome North Ridge bivy pano
Tehipite Dome - approaches - USGS topo map, from
[Hide Photo] Tehipite Dome - approaches - USGS topo map, from

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

Dane Mulligan
Signal Hill, CA
[Hide Comment] I am looking to fill in the gaps on some information I have acquired on Tehipite. Does anyone have any beta on the Wall of Ages route? At least the lower 1/2 which leads to the ledge system where Time Warp begins? Jan 17, 2019
Daniel Zweig
Oakland, CA
[Hide Comment] Is this area in any guidebooks? Jun 23, 2020
bill m
sf peninsula
[Hide Comment] Secor's High Sierra book (1992) has 2 pages.
Southern Sierra Rock Climbing Sequoia Kings Canyon Vol 1, 1993 has 4 pages.
Slim pickings for the largest dome. Jun 30, 2020
San Diego, Ca
[Hide Comment] From the Mountaineer's Guide to the High Sierra edited by Hervey H. Voge and Andrew J. Smatko

Tehipite Dome (7,708)

First known ascent by Allan L. Chickering and Walter A. Starr on July 31, 1896. The summit can be gained by climbing out along a sloping ledge on the west face or by going out the backbone, which involves nothing more than a rock scramble. The easiest way to reach the north base of the dome is to leave the Tunemah trail at the 7,500 foot level and contour around, as severe brush is encountered at higher elevations.

Pretty neat info on the place. Anyway, anyone know if a new SEKI guide book is in the works? I have the old one but wondering if there would be more beta on getting out to some of these domes. Nov 11, 2021