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Dihedral Section

Connecticut > Central Valley > E Peak
Warning Access Issue: Permits Required to Climb on City of Meriden, CT properties. DetailsDrop down


The climbs in this area are about 100 ft long and separated into two sections by a ledge. It is relatively shady and cool for East Peak. The goat trail along the base of the climbs is sketchy and loose.

Getting There

Easiest approach is on the blue-blazed trail from the Castle (5 mins.) There is a descent trail/gully about 70 feet climber's left of area.

Routes from Left to Right

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Right side of the Dihedral Section.  The chimney on the left is Black Cloud and the line to the right of it is Journey to the Center of the Earth
[Hide Photo] Right side of the Dihedral Section. The chimney on the left is Black Cloud and the line to the right of it is Journey to the Center of the Earth