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Bondi Boulder

Colorado > Grand Junction… > Unaweep Canyon > Nine Mile Hill > Nine Mile Bould… > E Creek Day Use Bould…


Quality boulder with several good problems on the south, overhanging face.

The Bondi Boulder is also located in an area that is shaded by about 5 during the summertime! Also, access may be difficult during spring runoff as East Creek can run fairly high.

Getting There

From the intersection of US-50/CO HWY 141, the pullout is 2.2 miles on road right. From there, the boulder can be seen, go down the small hill and cross East Creek and work your way back up the hill to the boulder.

Routes from Left to Right

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Bondi Boulder south face.
[Hide Photo] Bondi Boulder south face.
Bondi Boulder from the road pullout.
[Hide Photo] Bondi Boulder from the road pullout.