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Kern River Boulder
> Southern-Wester…
> Southern Sierra…
> Lower Kern River Canyon
Large boulder about 30' tall that borders the Kern River. The top of the boulder is the same height as the road.Its in the sun mostly all day and usually there is no one there climbing. The ancient bolts have been replaced and you can top rope the routes from the anchors at the top with fresh new anchors.
Getting There
(More information to come) Take HWY178 E out of Bakersfield. Head up the kern river about 4 miles you will see a large area of boulders with graffiti all over them. There is top rope anchors hidden in the bushes at the top and depending on the time of year and how much water there is you might or might not be able to hike around to the bottom. Be careful of the river its extremely dangerous! I will put up better beta once I have more information.
[Hide Photo] This is one of the easy routes on the Kern Boulder to top rope via natural pro/chockstones right next to the anchored TR routes by the highway