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> Europe
> Hungary
The Gerecse hills can be found about 80 kilometers northwest of Budapest. There are a number of climbing areas in this region.
Bajót has over a hundred routes going up to 45 meters and ranging in difficulty from III to VIII (UIAA rating).
Kis-Gerecse is an old quarry with 158 routes. Difficulty ranges from III to XI. There are also 11 open projects according to the latest guidebook.
Mogyorósbánya has 23 routes ranging from III to VIII.
Tardosbánya is possibly the best crag in Hungary with over a hundred routes. The climbs range from III to IX. The first bolts can be a bit high and the grading a little stiff. Bring your "A" game for sure.
The Turul Sziklák contain 21 routes ranging in difficulty from III to IX (most being VII and VIII).
Getting There
Follow the directions specified for each crag.