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Tom Mays Park

Texas > Franklin Mtn Range


A handful of formations on the West side of the Franklin Mountains. The climbs are about 25ft tall +/- and there's about enough climbing to where you can can send everything in a matter of a week. The rock quality is excellent and the routes vary from 5.4 to 5.12. This area gets fairly crowded on the weekends and you have to pay if you don't own a Texas State Park Pass. It's $4 per adult and free for kids 13 and under. There's camping available as well. For topos ask for one at the ranger station or download some at Park hours are 8am-5pm.

Getting There

From interstate 10 exit and head East on Woodrow Bean Transmountain Dr. also known as the 375 and head up the road 3.3 miles. Take a left at Tom Mays Park Access Rd. There's a brown sign that says Tom Mays Park. When you get up to the ranger station you can ask them where the climbing is located in the park.

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Area beta . You can acquire this topo at the park entrance.
[Hide Photo] Area beta . You can acquire this topo at the park entrance.