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French Roast Boulder

California > Joshua Tree NP > Joshua Tree Bou… > Central Joshua… > Cap Rock Bouldering
Warning Access Issue: Climbing Regulations/Seasonal Raptor Closures DetailsDrop down


This little boulder sits the left end of The Hatrack, as seen from the parking lot. There are a few problems on its Northeast side. House Brew (V-easy) is on the left and French Roast (V2) is on the right.

Getting There

Park in the Cap Rock parking lot. This boulder is at the left end of The Hatrack, as seen from the parking lot.

Routes from Left to Right

V-easy 3
Java Junkie
V0- 4-
House Brew
V2 5+
French Roast
Route Name Location Star Rating Difficulty Date
Java Junkie
V-easy 3 Boulder
House Brew
V0- 4- Boulder
French Roast
V2 5+ Boulder

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Photo/topo for the French Roast Boulder, Joshua Tree NP.
[Hide Photo] Photo/topo for the French Roast Boulder, Joshua Tree NP.
French Roast.<br>
Photo by Blitzo.
[Hide Photo] French Roast. Photo by Blitzo.