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The Box Canyon Ice Climbs

Utah > Central Utah > Maple Canyon > Maple Canyon Ice
Warning Access Issue: Private Property/Skin or Hike Approach DetailsDrop down


The narrow corridor heading due N, just before the Running Man flow. The climbs in this canyon, as with ALL ice climbs in Maple Canyon, are highly dependent on precipitation with an accompanying thaw/freeze cycle. No snow = no ice. Conditions can change exceedingly fast, and has been a major contributing factor of at least one climber's death in the Maple Canyon area.

Getting There

Park at the pullout near the entrance to Maple Canyon, hike 0.8 mile up the road. The Box Canyon will be on your right.

Important Descent Information: Two 60m ropes are necessary for rapping from most Box Canyon climbs, unless one desires to leave gear behind or V-thread mid-rap.

Routes from Left to Right

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

View from inside Box Canyon taken by chericem on 2-13-16
[Hide Photo] View from inside Box Canyon taken by chericem on 2-13-16
Cool place!
[Hide Photo] Cool place!
View above The Dagger taken by chericem on 2-13-16
[Hide Photo] View above The Dagger taken by chericem on 2-13-16
Clipinmt[[(matt tuttle)]]106086437 at the entrance to the Box Canyon
[Hide Photo] Clipinmt(matt tuttle) at the entrance to the Box Canyon