> Wasatch Range
> Central Wasatch
> Little Cottonwood Canyon
Tanners Gulch had one route published in 1996 when the Ruckman guidebook was released. Today it holds enough routes to keep one busy for a season. The rock is broken and dirty in some places, other places the rock is absolutely killer.
The gulch runs north/south. The majority of the routes face East so morning sun is sure bet. There is one wall that faces West so chasing sun is an option. However the gulch goes into the shadows around 3pm in the summer and 2pm in the fall.
In the Winter and Spring months avalanche hazard may be an issue. The gulch is fed by the massive upper headwall in Tanners, only go if the snowpack is stable, not much running room in that gulch if it were to avalanche.
Once you get up into the guts of the gulch footing becomes loose and the talus unstable in places, watch your step. In the melting months we have heard and seen rocks whizzing and flying by, this place is about as alpine one can get this close to the LCC road.
The views are unbeatable up here. You have the mighty
Red Stack,
Red Baldy peaks to the south. And the sounds of traffic are dim.
While climbing in the area we ran across 2 pieces of webbing, the only sign of climbers. One was found on the Phillip Drummond Ledge on the route
Diff'rent Strokes, the other was found on the
Hidden Heavenly Slab around the pine tree in the left corner. Both appeared to be left from routes that follow big broken corner systems, but if you have any info please share it!
Drive up Little Cottonwood Canyon (HWY 210). Follow the signage to Tanners Campground, once you get to the campground go another 100 yards up the road and park on the large shoulder before the bend (east side of road). Across the HWY at the bend is a UDOT sign indicating Tanners Slide Path, walk behind this sign, there is a trail here. Follow the trail (faint in some spots) to the drainage, drop down in and walk up the gulch. There seems to be a better trail on the West side of the stream.
But don't tell anyone. Aug 22, 2012
Salt Lake City
Granite, UT
Cottonwood Heights, UT
Orem, UT
Cottonwood Heights, UT
Orem, UT
Here’s the quote in case it disappears:
“ This well-known geological feature was named Dromedary Gulch in 1886. It was renamed "Tanner Gulch" in 1929 by the United States Geological Survey. The gulch's namesake comes from a person with the last name of "Tanner", not "Tanners". "Tanners Gulch" is a name completely made up for the first time in 2017 by Tyler Phillips, Andrew Burr and someone else who... coincidentally?... decided to change their name. None of them seem to know where Maybird Gulch, Thunder Mountain or ANY of the formations in Bell Canyon are either. Campgrounds (not even located in this gulch) and avalanche slide areas are not the gulch. There is a ski resort, with a sign, named Snowbird nearby too. That does not justify calling it Snowbird Gulch.
I get it. You never did the research. Who needs to use everyone else's name for a place when you are the great Tyler Phillips? You can just rename it whatever you want because of who you think you are or some awesome project you sent last year. Many of these places were named nearly 100 years before you came along and decided to call them something different. Why can't you just admit you made a mistake? The Ruckmans and Mike Beck misnamed places that were named long ago too. (Bell's Canyon? No such place.) Nobody is perfect.
Maybe you caught a disease from Dave Bingham. That guy was so stubborn he refused to correct the formation he misnamed Rabbit Rock... even after he was shown he was wrong. Instead he called the correct formation "Real Rabbit Rock" and kept calling the mistaken formation (named by settlers over 100 years ago) Rabbit Rock.
The worst part is that the admins are not even correcting this when they have been shown this area is incorrectly named.” Oct 22, 2022
Cottonwood Heights, UT
Cheers. Oct 24, 2022
Small Lake, UT
I love that Tony stewed on this since mid-2021 before coming back with his usual inane drivel. Dude is rocking the anti cancel culture moniker while complaining that the admins won't do anything about his little problem, that's gotta be worth a few hypocrisy points? Oct 24, 2022
Small Lake, UT
Nice edit btw, some things never change I see. Cancel yourself please. Nov 9, 2022