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The Cube

Nevada > Southern Nevada > Red Rock Boulders > (01) Calico Bas… > Kraft Boulders > (02) Cube Area
Warning Access Issue: Kraft Boulders parking DetailsDrop down
Warning Access Issue: Red Rock RAIN AND WET ROCK: The sandstone is fragile and is very easily damaged when wet. DetailsDrop down


Large cube shaped boulder straight north on the trail that starts near the cul-de-sac. By far the tallest boulder in Kraft, with every climb on the boulder being a true highball.

The typical downclimbs are Perfect Poser, West Face Left, or Martinet's Rails.

There is a bolt on top that can be used for rehearsing moves or rappelling to avoid downclimbing.

Getting There

From the north east corner of the parking lot walk north to where the trail intersects the main east west path. The Cube sits directly across from the intersection. The amazing overhanging arete with the v12 and v9 should be visible from the trail.

Routes from Left to Right

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

The Cube from approach.<br>
Photo by Blitzo.
[Hide Photo] The Cube from approach. Photo by Blitzo.
Another shot of the cube.
[Hide Photo] Another shot of the cube.
At the base of The Cube, a beautiful and tall boulder. A must visit boulder if your at Kraft. Photo by Dad in 2019.
[Hide Photo] At the base of The Cube, a beautiful and tall boulder. A must visit boulder if your at Kraft. Photo by Dad in 2019.
Jona traversing the North Face of The Cube.<br>
Photo by Blitzo.
[Hide Photo] Jona traversing the North Face of The Cube. Photo by Blitzo.
Forgot the name of this hard V5.  Reminded me how weak I am.  Never did get more than a couple feet off the ground.  March '05.
[Hide Photo] Forgot the name of this hard V5. Reminded me how weak I am. Never did get more than a couple feet off the ground. March '05.
The Cube. The sunny side of the boulder faces ~WEST. The shady side faces ~NNW. Perfect Poser V2 follows the arete starting where the climber is sitting.
[Hide Photo] The Cube. The sunny side of the boulder faces ~WEST. The shady side faces ~NNW. Perfect Poser V2 follows the arete starting where the climber is sitting.

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Justin Connor
Addison, IL
[Hide Comment] down climb for the cube Jan 29, 2023