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Cherokee Rock Village (Sand Rock)



A long-time Alabama climbing institution, Sand Rock has had a colorful and sometimes dubious history. For many years, it seemed that lowlifes were in direct competition with climbers. Sand Rock was a destination for ATV riders, drunken late-night partiers and other examples of southern stereotypes. Broken beer bottles and overturned portapotties were common sights, and the cliffs were despoiled with spray-painted graffiti.

In recent years, the aesthetics of Sand Rock have vastly improved. Ownership of the site was taken over by Cherokee County which turned it into a county park. Sand Rock now has on-site managers, improved parking, picnic areas, a playground for kids and a nice bathhouse. Much of the litter and graffiti has been cleaned up.

Sand Rock is an excellent destination for climbers at any skill level. Its free-standing pinnacles offer an amazing variety of climbing, ranging from easy toprope jugfests, to crimpy face routes, to fine crack lines. Sport routes run side-by-side with tough trad climbs. Beginners can get easy access to set up topropes, and there's a plethora of good bouldering problems. And the many different areas are spread out enough that you can almost always find a place that isn't crowded. The approach is one of the shortest and easiest in the south -- walk about 100 feet from your car and you'll find yourself at the Pinnacle or Holiday Block.

Climbing at Sand Rock goes back to 1972, when the prolific Rich Gottlieb and friends began snagging FAs on routes like the classic Comfortably Numb. In the 80s, climbers like Curtis Glass, Gene Smith and others established numerous trad lines. Later, bolted routes became more acceptable, and poorly-protected sections of cliff began sprouting sport routes, including the Sun Wall favorite Misty. Johnny Arms has been a major source of new routes since the 90s.

Admission to Sand Rock is currently $7 per car per day. Camping is $18 per night and abundant near the parking lot and along the entrance road; be sure to register at the park office if you plan to camp.

Getting There

From Atlanta, take I-75 north toward Chattanooga and exit at Hwy. 411/20 (exit 290). Follow 411 toward Rome, bypassing that city; outside of Rome, turn right on Hwy. 53 (and 411). Continue through Cave Spring and Centre, AL to the town of Leesburg. Turn right on Hwy. 68 and follow this road almost three miles, watching for signs for the village of Sand Rock. Turn left on County Road 36 and continue about a mile and a half to CR 70 (you should see signs for Cherokee Rock Village). Turn left on 70 and continue up the mountain ridge to the Sand Rock parking lot.


All new bolts should be the proper ClimbTech glue-ins and mussy hook anchors are the new norm. Do I really have to mention that chopping bolts is wrong? When reequipping routes with new hardware, make sure you have some permission and keep the bolt spacing and positioning mostly the same. No one wants what happened to Misty to happen again anywhere else (bolts moved to bad positions, new bolts added where they weren't before, unnecessary, shameful, bolt scars, and completely in defiance of the local community). Also, with the amount of sport routes up already and potential for more, let's keep the established trad routes trad.

Not every route or problem is listed on MP. In fact, several areas are left unlisted for the more adventurous to explore. Anything that has been cleaned up and clearly has chalk on it, (even if it doesn't have chalk) has already been done before and should not be claimed as an FA.

Most of the sandstone at Sandrock is pretty bomber but it is still sandstone and holds do break and shouldn't be climbed on after a rain.

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Full View of Sandrock, fall/winter satellite. Click center to open full resolution on Desktop view
[Hide Photo] Full View of Sandrock, fall/winter satellite. Click center to open full resolution on Desktop view
The peaceful side of Sandrock
[Hide Photo] The peaceful side of Sandrock
Don't forget to catch a sunrise here! 
PC: Sean Pacheco
[Hide Photo] Don't forget to catch a sunrise here! PC: Sean Pacheco
Good morning
[Hide Photo] Good morning
[Hide Photo] Somethingness
Hammock trad setups on pinnacle
[Hide Photo] Hammock trad setups on pinnacle
drinking espresso somewhere on top of the sun wall
[Hide Photo] drinking espresso somewhere on top of the sun wall
too pumped chump
[Hide Photo] too pumped chump
10a, Classic
[Hide Photo] 10a, Classic
The Duke of Sand Rock (Johnny Arms)
[Hide Photo] The Duke of Sand Rock (Johnny Arms)
This is West Side Block.  Has tons of easy topropes and leads.  Standard Route is behind and to the left of this.  Jaws is on the backside.  Many bolted anchors at the top.
[Hide Photo] This is West Side Block. Has tons of easy topropes and leads. Standard Route is behind and to the left of this. Jaws is on the backside. Many bolted anchors at the top.

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

[Hide Comment] This is a nice place to clip bolts on dry rock in the pouring rain. Especially the sunshine wall. Jan 6, 2007
Birmingham, AL
[Hide Comment] Unlike most spots in our great state, Sandrock is used and abused to the point of detracting from what would be an otherwise nice place to climb. Sandrock is typically crowded and loud...there are many nearby alternatives. Mar 12, 2007
Ben Griffin
Chattanooga, TN
[Hide Comment] Ben Lyon is definitly wrong in my book. Sandrocks is a fun easy approach area for climber of all skill levels. A climber can find easy to hard everything at Sandrocks. The bouldering is fun, sport climbing is fun, and the trad is great. Sandrocks is very unique, when you look at the geological features of the area. My favorite spot to climb in the area is hole in the wall. Every route is overhanging and in the 5.11 to 5.12 range. Mar 27, 2007
Birmingham, AL
[Hide Comment] RIP Cinco De Mayo. Mar 29, 2007
[Hide Comment] I've lived and climbed in some of the most beautiful and quality areas this country has to offer. Sand Rock is NOT a world class destination climbing area. On the other hand it is so far from the crapfest you mentioned. The scenery is actually quite beautiful and the quality of the rock and routes is very good. There's just something about that place that keeps me coming back. If you don't like clipping bolts in a crowded, dirty, loud, crapfest, there's always Little River Canyon. Apr 9, 2007
[Hide Comment] This place is a total shit fest all topped off by the local young clansmen spray painting and destroying anything good this place has to offer. While the climbing is not that bad, it is just really hard to get over the total disrespect for one of the only cool places bama has to offer. AS for LRC that place is totally amazing and I understand why it is kept such a secret. Coming from Colorado I can say that place is ten stars. May 11, 2007
Jay Knower
Plymouth, NH; Lander, WY
[Hide Comment] I'd say that Sand Rock is a fine place to climb. Just ignore the graffitti and the trash (which wasn't that bad anyway) and focus on the climbing. I found the climbs to be really worthwhile; with Misty and Dreamscape being some of the best of the grade I have ever done.

Don't let the above comments disuade you. In my opinion, Sand Rock is definitely worth a stop. Jan 18, 2008
Rhett Burroughs
Salt Lake City, UT
[Hide Comment] I'm ready to crack some rednecks skulls! The last comment from a fight in the parking lot by the yokals " I hit him right upside the head I did#%!" You must wear blue jean cut offs and a wife beater. Feb 6, 2008
chris mcclendon
Gardendale, Alabama
[Hide Comment] Recently I found a ton of climbs with very little traffic. bolted routes, cracks, and what seems to be some amazing bouldering all at sandrock. if u r that antisocial just go to a route that all the ignorant newbies like myself dont know about and or cant climb. there are plenty at sandrock Mar 24, 2008
[Hide Comment] Sand Rock is what you make it, it hasn't changed in years. The burning of the porta-john is childish and I thought S.R. was going to get a Ranger checking on the place? Maybe they need to step-up their rounds a bit.....! Mar 31, 2008
On March 21, (a few weeks ago) I was at S.R. partcipating in the annual clean-up fest. Where were all of you? I personally do something about things that concern me and therefore have very little respect for those who just sit back and complain!
I do agree that alot of visitors disrespect the place. This damage is brought on by kids, non-climbers or very immature climbers to say the least. I try to pick up as I move from one climb to another , every time I go. A bunch of us are going up and painting over the graff. with a faux paint techique as best at we can.
Since you show so much concern...can we expect to see you there? I hope so, we would love to have you. SCC lists the dates of all the clean-ups etc. if anyone is interested in helping.

Sandrock will be destroyed (just like the rest of the earth) if everyone "TURNS UP THEIR NOSES" and DO NOTHING to help preserve it. It is a beautiful place. My brother taught me to climb there, he passed away last year. Some of his ashes were scattered at our fav campsite at that "shitfest" as you so politely put it.
  • ************DO something nice for our planet today**************
Apr 4, 2009
Sam Lightner, Jr.
Lander, WY
[Hide Comment] I just went to Sand Rock for the first time last weekend. Its not pure and isolated, but it is very good climbing. I'll go back. Jun 29, 2009
[Hide Comment] I haven't been to SR yet, so what walls can you climb at in the rain that will have dry climbs in the below 5.10 and up to soft 5.12 ??? At sunshine wall this is the case? how many lower grade routes stay dry?? and what other walls are options? Mar 14, 2010
Birmingham, AL
[Hide Comment] Sun Wall is your best bet. There's a wide range of routes on that wall. Other nooks and crannies stay dry. Focus your attention there and branch out. It's not like it's an overwhelming place. Mar 17, 2010
[Hide Comment] Fun area that's not too far from much of Georgia....about 3 hours from Fort Benning. Lot's to choose from and is a nice area if you can put up with the locals.

I would recommend camping just down the road a bit (perhaps a few hundred meters) from the end of the road to avoid the late night parties that show up. Jul 5, 2010
karl vochatzer
Bend, OR
[Hide Comment] Made a slight detour from Atlanta on a cross-country express trip in the car to check out this crag. Sampled a couple of good lines with some friendly climbers. Very enjoyable rock here, and yes, there was plenty of local flare on this Saturday. Noted the elevation and coordinates on the GPS: 34 degrees 10.82' N by 85 degrees 49.03' W at 1630 feet elevation at the parking lot. Nov 28, 2011
Adam Lazaro
Hiram, Ga
[Hide Comment] i found an illumination device near "my dog has fleas" on the holiday block on 1/5. anyone missing one? Jan 6, 2012
David Horning
Savannah, Georgia
[Hide Comment] Does anyone know of a way to find a topo for this location? I've tried to find a copy of the Dixie Craggers atlas, but the only one I can find is for some ridiculous price on amazon. Mar 6, 2012
Elden Zen
originally da Bayou, now in…
[Hide Comment] Just a heads up to anyone who loves Sandrock. Texas-based corporation Pioneer Green has come up with what they call “The Shinbone Ridge Energy Project,” a plan to build up to twenty 450-foot turbines along the crest of the mountain. Part of the facility will be located at Cherokee Rock Village on land leased by the Cherokee County Parks and Recreation Board. In addition to being an eye sore, they pose a danger to wildlife. There are also health concerns related to ultrasonic noise. The beauty of the area which attracts us all has attracted Pioneer Green who figured if no one was living there, it would be an idea place to build a wind farm. Oct 14, 2012
[Hide Comment] I love Sand Rock. It is probably the closest decent place to climb if you live in Florida. If you camp at the cliff, you will wake up with a absolutely beautiful morning view of the river.
There are tons of sports routes with varied difficulties. Climbers are nice. Johnny just set up several routes in "New Wall", which is not presented in new Dixie guidebook. Sand Rock is definitely a valuable spot. Dec 30, 2012
Elden Zen
originally da Bayou, now in…
[Hide Comment] Here is the link for the new permit fees at Sandrock. Effective Aug 1,2013 Mar 11, 2013
[Hide Comment] I am going to be in Alabama for work in April 2013 and was wondering if anyone wanted to do some climbing the weekend of the 20th? Hit me up if you are interested. I have all my own gear, and have been climbing for a couple of years. Mar 26, 2013
[Hide Comment] Looking for Huck from Atlanta. I have 2 of your quickdraws. Email me what color tape is on them and what pitch I cleaned for you so I can confirm it's you, along with your address, at, and I'll send them to you. Sorry, obviously didn't mean to take them :). Apr 15, 2013
[Hide Comment] If anyone finds a pair of Evolv Shamans near Jaws, please contact me. I can't believe I lost them :( Jun 26, 2013
Leann Hill
Leesburg, Alabama
[Hide Comment] Hi everyone! I'm attempting to create a central location for information specific to climbing at Sand Rock. I live about 8 mins from Sand Rock and plan to be up there a few times a week. A lot of the INfo out there is way outdated. There is a ton of stuff scattered across the web on different forums but no single place where a climber interested in Sand Rock can connect with others or find updated info about the routes, bolt conditions, etc. I've created a group on Facebook called Sand Rock Climbing. Friend me or find the group and join! I'm eager to connect with other climbers who frequent Sand Rock, especially those who are already familiar with the area or even live nearby. Thanks! Jun 5, 2014
Will Carney
Tallulah Falls, GA
[Hide Comment] Love Sand Rock! Park and camp next to climbable rock(for a fee;see prior post). Port-o-Johns onsite. Showers with HOT WATER! A nice pavilion with ample picnic tables. Potable water onsite. Climber friendly staff. Dumpsters onsite so there's no excuse for leaving junk. Great place to camp/climb with the whole family. Sep 2, 2014
Marcj Mentrak
Charleston, SC
[Hide Comment] So uber excited about the new bath house!! It is awesome! The caretakers and SCC have done a fantastic job! Thank you! Sep 9, 2014
Tyler Jones
Arlington, VA
[Hide Comment] Hey everyone, I'm thinking about trying this place this weekend. Can anyone weigh in on whether or not the "Coyote" restaurant mentioned in the description is still around? I couldn't find anything online.

Thanks! Oct 16, 2014
[Hide Comment] I noticed in the introduction it said climbing started at Sand Rock in 1972. The first time I climbed there was about 1974 with Graham Wilson and Tommy Taylor and I know they had been there several times before that over the years. I always thought the climbing and the scenery were great. Spray paint , trash, and avoiding confrontations with the locals was just part of the deal climbing anywhere in Alabama back then. It's a bummer if that's still going on now. Dec 2, 2014
[Hide Comment] Kinda bummed to see my first 5.12, Rave, isn't on here. I did it a few years ago, and came back to see if it had maintained it's rating. Regardless, it's an excellent route, and should be added, along with it's brother, Rant.

EDIT: Thanks for adding them! Jun 2, 2015
[Hide Comment] I just stopped in again this last weekend and I found that most of the anchors here are in dire need of replacing. I found many rusted cold shuts and ancient bolts on popular climbs. I myself would like to help but I am just a visiting climber to the southeast.

I really hope someone in the SEC steps up to the plate to help update the hardware at Sand Rock. Feb 7, 2016
Birmingham, AL
[Hide Comment] The park is a profit center...they should foot the bill. Otherwise, look to none other than The Duke if you want to talk about SR bolting practices. Feb 10, 2016
Leann Hill
Leesburg, Alabama
[Hide Comment] Update: I'm the Chairman of the park board now over Sand Rock. We have an ongoing discussion with SCC members and reps to find the best solution for replacing old, outdated, broken bolts and hangers. Cherokee Rock Village is not for profit. All of the money taken in at the gate goes back into the park, its staff, etc. We are working very hard to keep the park clean and safe for everyone to enjoy. If you're visiting Sand Rock, stop by the cabin at the entrance and speak with the park manager about any concerns you have and we will do our best to address the issue and solve it. As an SCC member and climber, I want to make sure we are doing what we can to make the climbing experience at Sand Rock a great one! May 28, 2016
James Lee
Mobile, AL
[Hide Comment] My daughter and visited here for the first time last spring and will be going back this fall. This place is a nice place. If you don't know, the county took it over and turned it into a gated park. The fee is small, and for that, you get a secure safe location to camp and climb. They have a bath house, large pavilion, and a multitude of camping spots. The locals take pride in the place and keep it clean. You can camp on the edge of the ridge with great views of Lake Weiss and western GA. There is some sketchy hardware on the rock, but my impression is, now that it is a destination for professional guide services, it is getting some upgrades and new routes. I saw plenty of shiny new bolts. Aug 30, 2017
Todd Vanderhoof
Cleveland, TN
[Hide Comment] Hey guys I have been to Sand Rock multiple times and for some reason I cannot find that entrance/exit trail that the Dixie Craggers book states comes down right at Muffins are burning? Basically trying to find Midget Digits without having to go all the way around Sun Wall. Oct 16, 2018
Dustin Helmer
[Hide Comment] Thinking about coming down from the UP of Michigan during Christmas break, will it be climbable and snow free? Oct 11, 2019
Jeff Mekolites
Atlanta, GA
[Hide Comment] Bolt update/replacement has begun at Sandrock / CRV. Old bolts are being replaced with state of the art Climbtech glue in wave bolts. Please do not alter, tamper, remove or damage the new hardware. Thanks. Oct 21, 2020
Riley Flanagan
Atlanta, GA
[Hide Comment] A friendly note to climbers:

Climbing is such a beautiful sport that is community driven. It’s the community that helps make its safer as everyone chimes in about gear wear out, rock changes, new rules in locations, trail days, access funds and just helping others from getting lost. As this sport continues to get more and more popular, let’s not forget the community of it and enjoy these wonderful climbs with everyone. Welcome in other climbers around you. Share stories, betas and skills on making climbs safer. Share the walls. As all the crags are getting more and more crowded, if you’re with a group of people, try to not hog a classic route for hours. Encourage others that cross by interested, to join in with your group by mixing the groups together, taking turns on the climb. Not only is this just a nice thing to do, but it’ll get the two groups to communicate and mingle. You never know what you will learn from other climbers and you just might create new friends. You already have one awesome thing in common.

Climbing for generations was a skill passed down from experienced mentors to new eager climbers. Normally one mentor taking in one new climber at a time. As this process still exist and is still very vital to climbing, it just can’t keep up with the influx of thousands of new climbers interested in the sport. With so many new climbers missing out on the generations of knowledge, on how and why some things are done, the sport can become reckless. This is more the reason for the community of climbing to remain strong. More the reason to share climbs with other groups. To swap stories and skills that have been learned and passed down. More the reason for climbers to listen to other’s suggestions on how to do things differently. You may even disagree with someones way of doing things, but always thank them for sharing and consider all the pros and cons of their new advice. If you disagree, be open and share why you think otherwise. Because you may become the teacher in that moment to something they haven’t thought of or just over looked. It’s essential that both parties stay open minded. As we are all sharing to keep the sport safe, fun and welcoming.

More importantly, Send It! Mar 7, 2023
[Hide Comment] Has a small cave by sun wall. Very cool place with climbing for all levels. Oct 14, 2023
[Hide Comment] Trying to get in contact with this guy named Hazel I have climbed here with a couple times. Shorter dude, does trad and is from chatanooga TN. Fun dude to climb with and wanna get in contact at Dec 15, 2024