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Big Picture Gully

S Dakota > Spearfish Canyon


This is a great place for the intermediate climber. Tons of good routes from 5.10 to 5.12.

Getting There

To get here, go down the canyon about 20 miles past a log hotel for tourists that is on the right, go past a bridge, then you will come to a pond and a dam, park here just before the dam. Walk across the dam and next to the pond. Follow this trail for about 20 minutes or so and you will come to the first climbs.

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Carl gostola on Total recall<br>
@Big picture gully
[Hide Photo] Carl gostola on Total recall @Big picture gully
Trail clearing on the hike to The Gully. Many thanks to those responsible for maintaining these wonderful gems!
[Hide Photo] Trail clearing on the hike to The Gully. Many thanks to those responsible for maintaining these wonderful gems!

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Mike Cronin
Rapid City, SD
[Hide Comment] There are new routes on this wall. I am pretty sure nobody will be climbing at the Gully this winter but add these to your Spearfish Guide. Quest for Fire extension (unrated), Maximum Overdrive extension (unrated), First Blood 12b, extension 12c, Total Recall 12b HaHa, extension 12c?, Armageddon 12a, extension 13a, Something Wicked This Way Comes 11c, extension 12d. The Can project Dry Scratch 12d.
Enjoy these are all 5 star additions. Nov 13, 2006