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Coyote Rocks

Wyoming > Laramie Area > Vedauwoo
Warning Access Issue: Temporary Notice on aerial herbicide treatment & Bad Bolt Submission Form DetailsDrop down


This is a nice area with lots of bouldering. There are no published routes on the bigger cliffs as far as I know, although some lines look possible.

To really find your way around, you will need to buy the Vedauwoo Bouldering guide from Davin Bagdonas.

Highlights of the area include Roast Possum Vinegar Pie (ostensibly V5), Acid House (V6), and a host of really difficult thin patina problems on a big boulder called the Meditation Boulder. The Meditation Boulder is right next to Roast Possum Vinegar Pie.

We are reorganizing this area to help you the user as per a request by a user.

To find the bouldering problems for Coyote Rocks, click here.

Getting There

From the intersection of Happy Jack Rd and I-80, go 2.3 miles on Happy Jack to a road marked 712A, and follow that north. Bear right onto 712AA ,and follow it to its end at the parking area (maybe a mile).

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Coyote Rocks East side bouldering.
[Hide Photo] Coyote Rocks East side bouldering.
Not a great photo, but it shows the area.
[Hide Photo] Not a great photo, but it shows the area.

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[Hide Comment] Don't need to leave that booty if you've got some sack. Apr 27, 2009
Fort Collins, CO
[Hide Comment] Road 712a is not Telephone Road. It's an unmarked road before Telephone Road. Nov 26, 2016