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Redstone Area

Colorado > Carbondale Area


I believe the type of rock is a sandstone with a matrix of quartzite cobbles. I know there is one pay campground on the river closer to Carbondale, although I am sure there is free camping elsewhere. I just don't know where. I am no expert on this area, I just know it's very classic and was wanting to put it on this site with the hope others could contribute more information.

Redstone is a cute town with a great general store, and the river makes a great place to relax with a beer after climbing. There are hot springs about 2 miles upstream from town.

Getting There

Head south on CO 133 from Carbondale.

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Topo updated with the Riverside Boulder and the Landshark.
[Hide Photo] Topo updated with the Riverside Boulder and the Landshark.
Friendly locals.
[Hide Photo] Friendly locals.
A community that welcomes climbers.
[Hide Photo] A community that welcomes climbers.

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[Hide Comment] I heard about new boulders here that are called the Lone Star Boulders and are above the rest. Does anyone know where these are? Or a new problem displayed in Rock and Ice called Sex after 50, V9...where is it located? Jan 7, 2014
BJ Sbarra
Carbondale, CO
[Hide Comment] Hmm, you might be referring to the Loft, which sits above the main boulders. It's in the guidebook. Also, Sex After 50 is on the back side of the Weider Boulder. If you go up the trail to it, go around to the right, and then head left when you reach the southeast corner of the boulder. It's not obvious until you're back there, and a month or so ago there was zero chalk on it. Jan 7, 2014
[Hide Comment] Could you add a description of the Loft and it's problems? What's a good guidebook for the area? What are the starting holds for Sex after 50? Jan 17, 2014
Nicholas Webb
Vail, CO
[Hide Comment] When is this area snow free? I was thinking of taking a drive out to them tomorrow if it's not too early. Apr 23, 2014
Corey Flynn
[Hide Comment] Had high hopes for this place over the summer after seeing the pictures and hearing the hype. This place sucks about as much as Rock and Ice magazine. Not much of a surprise considering the crew that developed the cliff. Definitely not a destination crag especially for the amount of "five star routes" that the guidebook claims. I enjoy bouldering at Redstone, the routes at Redstein are not worth the trip. Dec 26, 2017