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Indian Joe Caves

California > San Francisco B… > E Bay Area


Located south-east of Pleasanton, Sunol Regional Wilderness presently only has developed climbing at Indian Joe Caves, but other opportunities appear to exist as well. There's a pretty wide variety of rock types in the park, but Indian Joe caves is meta basalt. While approaching the area, you can see some rocks on the top of a hill west of the main entrance, this is called flag mountain and appears to have climbing on it, though development has been discouraged because of concerns it would disrupt raptor nesting. There's a $5 entrance fee and the gate gets locked a little after dusk (9 p.m. in August), though camping is permitted in the park.A pile of meta basalt rocks, Indian Joe caves offers top roping, bouldering and the occasional trad lead on formations reaching up to 40 feet. The holds tend to be either angular or crimpy and the climbing can be anything from slab, cracks, chimney, impressive aretes, or overhung faces. There's also a wide range of existing climbs, 5.3 to 5.12c. There is also the potential for several climbs with difficulties considerably higher.In the summer, Indian Joe Caves get pretty warm and it would be wisest to avoid climbing the routes that get sun, as the black rock absorbes the sun's heat and makes climbing almost unbearable. Fortunately, there's always a handful of climbs that never get sun and therefore are a lot cooler than their brighter counterparts.Visit the Sunol Regional Wilderness park website for the latest official information on visiting it.

Getting There

From the 680-580 interchange, take 680 south 8 miles to the highway 84/Calaveras road. Go left on Calaveras and follow it past where the speed limit drops to 25. Shortly after the speed limit change go left (4.3 miles from the turn onto Calaveras) on Geary Road. Shortly thereafter you'll reach the fee station.

After entering the park, pass the first left turn (about 50 yards in), which heads to the visitors center, and park just beyond on the left side of the road next to a trailhead (about another 50 yards). Hike across the wooden bridge over a stream, and head right at the junction. Continue another 50 yards until you come to Hayfield Road (which you're not allowed to drive on... though bikes and horses are permitted). Go left on Hayfield road and walk up the road for .8 miles. There's an obvious sign directing you to Indian Joe Caves, follow it right, you'll be able to see the crag up the hill on your left a little ways down this smaller trail. This will meet with the Indian Joe Creek Trail and continue up hill for another ~300 yards until you arrive at the crag. The first landmark is the tallest rock, with a sharp arete on the right, the arete is Orange Arete (11a) and the face is Little Eiger (12c). Paths circumnavigate the climbing area, and most of the warm-up stuff is reached fastest by going clockwise around the area to the backside.

The approach is 1.3 miles with 600 feet of elevation gain and fairly exposed (if taking Hayfield Rd - there is more shade using the Indian Joe Creek trail).

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Map of the area; hopefully it clears up some of the confusion. Done as a panorama using a GoPro on a clip stick since drones aren't allowed here
[Hide Photo] Map of the area; hopefully it clears up some of the confusion. Done as a panorama using a GoPro on a clip stick since drones aren't allowed here
Looking northeast at the crag. Cleavage Rock on the left, Edge rock with the guy standing on it, and the bouldering area to the right.
[Hide Photo] Looking northeast at the crag. Cleavage Rock on the left, Edge rock with the guy standing on it, and the bouldering area to the right.
Our audience for the day
[Hide Photo] Our audience for the day
Trail going up and around the right of Little Eiger
[Hide Photo] Trail going up and around the right of Little Eiger
Climber's trial to top of Little Eigers and Edge Rock that goes around patch of poison oak. This is looking back towards the main trial.
[Hide Photo] Climber's trial to top of Little Eigers and Edge Rock that goes around patch of poison oak. This is looking back towards the main trial.
Lot's of poison oak around and near the rock. Easy enough to avoid, but be careful out there!
[Hide Photo] Lot's of poison oak around and near the rock. Easy enough to avoid, but be careful out there!
View from the base.
[Hide Photo] View from the base.

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

Joyce Murton
Mountain View, CA
[Hide Comment] Watch out for ticks in this area. Every time my group and I have gone, one of us has come back with a tick bite. Jun 16, 2010
Mark Fletcher
Clovis, CA
[Hide Comment] The top report mentions possible climbing on Flag Hill, which is off to the right from the parking lot. Years ago I went to investigate the climbing on this hill, but found the rock just crumbles in your hand. This sandstone type rock is different from the very solid rock found at Indian Joe Caves. Jan 14, 2014
Rachel Prell
San Jose, CA
[Hide Comment] At least 4 sport routes up on the rocks as of 8/13/19. Didn't climb any or know the grades but it looked well protected and the bolts looked new Aug 14, 2019
John F Kim
San Jose, CA
[Hide Comment] This is a fun place but the approach and some of the anchor setups are tricky. Lots of Class 2/3 scrambling, including some V0 bouldering moves or downclimbing, are required to reach the different route starts and belay areas. There is supposed to be a fair amount of poison oak nearby, though none of my body parts have started itching yet.

The approach is mostly uphill. The creek trail is more scenic and shady but the fire road is easier and more straightforward, though it can be muddy after a rain. I think it's 1.1 miles up the fire road (Hayfield Rd.) and at least 1.3 miles up the creek trail. At closing time (5pm in the winter) the park promptly locks the entrance gate but departing visitors can still drive out over a one-way spike strip. Parking/entry is usually $5 per vehicle (plus $2 per dog) but happened to be free when I went on MLK Monday. There is no cell service by the visitor center or at the crag but as you climb the fire road you will have a weak signal along part of the approach. The wi-fi signal in the parking lot is only for staff and not for visitors. As noted in directions, the 2nd parking lot on the left is closer to the trailhead; if you're in the first lot, cross the picnic grass to the wooden footbridge to start the approach.

Little Eiger now has at least 3 sport routes but they are all more difficult ones. Also 3 or 4 trad routes at the crag, mostly short and easier (5.6 to 5.8) ones. Jan 21, 2020
John Chi
Washington, DC
[Hide Comment] Anyone have any beta on the sport routes at this crag? A comment below says there are four, but only 2 on mtn project and 0 in the Bay Area Rock book. Comment here if you know anything. :) Jun 6, 2021
Jim Thornburg
Berkeley, CA
[Hide Comment] Hi John, there are about 8 sport climbs, from 10a - 13a. The latest edition of Bay Area Rock has all the new sport climbs. There is a link on this page. May 25, 2022