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Hodgepodge Rock

California > Joshua Tree NP > Indian Cove > Group Campsites Rd > Group Campsite 5
Warning Access Issue: Climbing Regulations/Seasonal Raptor Closures DetailsDrop down


The north face of Hodgepodge Rock is a good choice for toproping with groups and escaping the often blistering heat that gives Indian Cove the nickname "Indian Stove".

Getting There

From the main entrance road to Indian Cove, turn right along the Group Camp Road. Hodgepodge lies between Group Sites 4 and 5, 30' south of the road. The north-facing wall is heavily pock-marked.

  • Day-use parking is available near site #5.

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Hodgepodge rock and group site 5. Photo by Mike Cummings
[Hide Photo] Hodgepodge rock and group site 5. Photo by Mike Cummings
Hodgepodge Rock from the west, Joshua Tree NP
[Hide Photo] Hodgepodge Rock from the west, Joshua Tree NP
Hodgepodge Rock north-side in spring morning light.<br>
Photo by Blitzo.
[Hide Photo] Hodgepodge Rock north-side in spring morning light. Photo by Blitzo.